"Arnavji, what are you not telling me? I know something must have happened to make you take this decision today. What happened Arnavji? Won't you tell me?" she asked gently. She wanted to know what was going on in his head, because somewhere along the line she was sure that this decision didn't come from him.

"Khushi..." Arnav contemplated whether to tell her about what Akash said or not. But then looking at her worried, expectant eyes he decided that it was probably best to tell her. Maybe she could help him clear out his still slightly messed up thoughts?

So he took her hands into his and went on to explain what Akash had said a few hours ago – or more like shouted. He didn't leave out a single detail as he told her everything.

"I thought about it a lot Khushi... And the only thing that kept coming back to me was the fact that I had no reason to give as to why I don't want to marry you... And I still don't. When he asked me if I thought I was going to fall out of love with you, or cheat on you, or have it the other way around... My instant answer was no, of course not. I know for a fact that none of those things would ever happen with us. My love for you is so deep that I'll never be able to escape it – not in this lifetime... And I know that without a doubt."

"But I also realised today how much respect marriage holds in this society... All these years, I never cared about what the society said, Khushi. And I still don't. But if that society is going to hurt you in any way like they did today, and I could do something to stop it, then I will. And if marriage is the solution to that, then I'm ready to do it. Because Akash was right when he said that whatever happened with you today, it was because of me. It's because of my refusal to marry you that those idiots confidently came up to you and asked you to..." he gritted his teeth at the memory. "I can't bear to see you hurt Khushi..." he said.

"But Arnavji... I..."

Arnav could see that Khushi looked almost scared. But he had no idea why. "What is it Khushi?"

"W-what if you marry me and regret it on day? I can't have you resenting me Arnavji... I can't bear it! I would rather stay like this than have you marry me and hate me," Khushi said, a lone tear running down her cheek at the thought.

"No Khushi, don't you see? I'm not doing this just for you? I'm doing this because I want society to view us in a higher position... I'll be honest Khushi, I'm still slightly scared to marry you. I still have that fear within me that it might ruin things between us. But I'm not doing this out of pressure. I'm doing this because I want to be able to call you mine. I want to be able to kiss you without having to hide. I want to be able to sleep next to you without having to sneak around. I want to be able to walk in public holding your hand... And if marriage is the only way I can do that with both of our heads held high then so be it. Let's do it," he said. The more he spoke about marriage, the more it all made sense to him, and the more he felt that this was the right way.

"A-are you sure Arnavji? You want this?" Khushi asked one last time, wanting to make sure that this was not some dream... That he was standing in front of her and actually saying yes to marriage... And that he was saying it because he wanted it.

Now it was Arnav who cupped her cheeks tenderly, looking her in the eye, "I'm sure Khushi. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me?"

He wasn't bent down on his knee, he didn't give her a ring and neither did he give her a flowery speech, but Khushi didn't care. This was probably one of the best moments of her life and there couldn't have been anyone happier than her in that moment.

Khushi nodded fervently, a wide smile rapidly spreading on her lips, "Yes! Yes! Yes!!!!"

Hearing her yes, even Arnav felt his heart lighten and his happiness reached its peak – a feeling he hadn't expected to feel in this situation.

My Imperfect Mr Perfect (Arshi FF)  - Complete ✅Where stories live. Discover now