Arsenal Chapter 6- Blades of the past part 2

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By the way, this chapter actually has guns, and someone gets shot, so if you don't want to read that, feel free to skip to the end of the chapter, where I will summarize what happened.


Sofia, Narbe, Jeff, and Runa sit in a classroom thinking of what Gulbrand meant by "beware the orange spider"

"I've got nothing" Runa said

"Same" Sofia said

"Well, we should probably head home. Not much else we can do here" Narbe said.

The other rangers agreed and parted ways to each head home.


Liaisy sits in her house staring at the spider in the jar. She sighs and opens the jar, simply because the spider wasn't doing anything. The spider climbs up onto the roof and makes itself at home in one of the rafters. Liaisy then heads downstairs for something to eat. Once she sat at the table with her snack, she looked over and saw her mother's gun safe. Liaisy often looked at it because it was one of the few things she had of her mother that was constantly there. She had never known her father, but her mother was in the military and didn't ever come home. Liaisy's mother had always sent the check to an accountant who payed for the house then sent the rest to Liaisy for food and everything else.

Once again Liaisy thought it would be easiest to use one of the guns in the safe to just end it all, but then a new thought appeared in her head. She could use those same guns to finally prove she is stronger. She knows when Sofia will be in the class with the rest of the rangers, and if she had the morphers she would finally be able to get her own group of friends. She would have people lining up to try to be her friend and teammate.

Liaisy smiled as she walked over and opened the safe. Her mother had never changed the lock, so Liaisy still knew the combination. she decided to pick out a handgun and a submachine gun.

These should work Liaisy thought to herself. She put the guns and ammo into her bag and set everything up for school the next day.


When school started up the Liaisy walked quickly to her locker and put the guns away before anyone saw them. She then went through most of the day normally, being careful not to let her plan slip off her tongue.


Mr. Angel drove back to the school halfway through the day to pick some stuff up from his classroom, specifically turrets. He has turrets in his classroom because sometimes defense contractors ask him to build them to protect various places, so he also set up automated defenses in his classroom, which is also his workshop. He gets out of his truck and is followed by three other people wearing mostly red clothing. One wore a jacket with the right half red with the bottom half of the sleeve pure black. The other side of his jacket was black with what appeared to be ones and zeroes in the upper part. This man also had messy brown hair and light skin and wore a red shirt under the jacket and jeans. The second man was actually a teen, with dark black hair and black eyes. He wore a red and black checkered over a plain black shirt and jeans. The last man towered above them all with dark brown hair and light brown skin. His jacket was mostly black with gold highlights, and the shoulder area was covered in red. In the red area there were golden wings that spanned the front. On the left side the symbol of Ra appeared in gold in the center, and on the sleeves there were red and gold bands at the elbows and cuffs. Under the jacket of Ra, he wore a solid red shirt and jeans.

"Jake, Randy, Daniel, welcome to my school." Dr. Angel said

"So where are these turrets?" Asked the tall one

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