Chapter 1- The Beginning

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A figure sits in the dark watching a monitor that shows an image of outer space. Suddenly a ship appears out of nowhere that has the appearance of a Viking ship.

"So they have finally come."


a man with dark brown hair that reaches an inch above his shoulders sits at a desk in a classroom. On the desk is a plaque that reads 'Mr. Angel- Art, Math, Language, and Technology Department.' He stands up and smoothed down his white dress shirt and khakis. He walks over to a student sitting at another desk that is small and slightly worn down. The student is wearing a green T-shirt, tattered jeans and sneakers.

"You are well aware of my policies about behavior in my classroom, are you not?"

"So? What's that gots to do with me being here?"

Mr. Angel shudders at the improper grammar and says, "Your behavior is atrocious, your assignments are plagiarized from other students, and you disrupt every class I teach. Why, Jeffery Parada, detent-"

Suddenly a phone started ringing on the desk with the theme from Power Rangers Ninja Storm.

Jeff's only response was "really?"

Mr. Angel walked over to the phone and picked it up.

"Are you sure?... Have they come before? ... Alright," he hung up and said "Well, Jeff, you got lucky this time. I have an emergency that needs me there immediately."

Mr Angel walked over to the coat rack and picked up his jacket, then proceeded to the door.

Jeff just sat there wondering what just happened, so he jumped over the seat and started following the teacher. After going through a few hallways he saw Mr. Angel asking two kids he recognized, Narbe and Sofia, to come with him. Jeff continued to follow them when a girl from his class walked up to him.

"Hey, Jeff, what are you doing?"

"Hold on Runa, something's up with Mr. Angel. I'm following him to find out what."

"Mind if I come with?"

The two of them saw Mr. Angel get into his car, which was a red minivan with a chainsaw and a scorpion sticker on his window. As Mr. Angel was starting his car, Jeff and Runa opened the trunk and hopped in, making sure to be as quiet as possible.

After what seemed like a long drive they finally stopped. Mr. Angel and the other two students got out, then Jeff climbed out to make sure the coast was clear. After it was clear that Mr. Angel and the two students were inside, Jeff and Runa climbed out of the car.

"Hey, Runa, do you suppose this is where Mr. Angel lives?"

"No idea. Let's go in"

They entered the house to find an open secret passage behind the bookcase.

When Runa saw the passage she said "Of course he would"

"Would what?" Asked Jeff

"Have a secret passage behind a bookcase. Many stories have them."


"... Jeff... You're an idiot."

They proceeded down the stairs to discover a large room with various weapons strewn across the walls. They hid behind a case filled with different types of swords as they watched Mr. Angel and the other two students look at a screen showing some Viking monsters.

"This is why I brought you here." Mr. Angel said, "We are to fight them and remove them from our planet."

"Wait..." Said Narbe, "Aliens, secret base, does this mean we are going to become power rangers?"

"Yes," Mr. Angel responded, "All four of you."

"Four?" Sofia asked, "There are others?"

Jeff and Runa froze in place when Mr. Angel said "Yes, and you two can come out from behind the case now. I knew you would try following me."

Jeff and Runa slowly stood up and walked towards the others and stopped when they were able to see the monitor clearly. Once they stopped the monitor went black except for a white line running down through the center of the screen.

"I see you have gathered them," the screen said "The morphers shall be out shortly."

A drawer opened containing four morphers colored blue, yellow, pink, and green. Mr. Angel handed them to Narbe, Sofia, Runa, and Jeff, respectively.

He then said "Narbe, you will be the blue ranger, with drill in hand, Sofia, you shall be the yellow ranger, with a blade for speed, Runa, you shall be pink,with an axe to cut down foes, and Jeff, you will be green, with a mace, because let's face it, you're blunt in more ways than one."

"What do you mean by that?" Jeff responded

"Well Jeff," Runa responded, "you're not the sharpest tool in the shed."

"Once again, what do you mean?" Asked Jeff

"To start with," Narbe added, "you just proved her point."

"And I grade all your papers, so I can prove that." Said Mr. Angel

"Before Jeff starts whining again, I did not hear who the red ranger is." Narbe mentioned.

"That, my dear student would be me." Mr. Angel said.

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