Chapter 3- Unleash The Arsenal

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The students shambled out of the simulator exhausted from the training.

"Just in time. You guys have to get going, for you would not want to be tired when the next monster appears." Mr. Angel told them

"That will have to wait," B said, "a disturbance has occurred downtown, you had better head off."

"They still need to rest, I will head of to take on the vardelos alone. Send them when the next big guy appears." Mr. Angel stated


"The red one has taken the bait." Calder said. He then tapped one of the hundreds of faces on his staff and muttered an incomprehensible chant. The face glowed and became a large Viking with the head of a turtle and a green beard. His coat was made of moss and his chest piece was made of scales. His blade was made of coral and bone.

"Shellen, you will go down and cause chaos within the city. If possible do as much damage to the Rangers as you can" Calder told the creature.

"Yes my lord." It responded


Mr. Angel finished off the vardelos and sat down for a minute. Then the smoke from nowhere appeared again, this time bringing out Shellen.

"And you are whom?" Mr. Angel asked as it walked forward, "And do not use that 'your destroyer' line, just tell me your name."

"I am Shellen! I shall use your bones as toothpicks!"

"At least you didn't say doom." Mr. Angel said as he got up to fight.

Their blades crossed multiple times, neither of them getting any blows in. Suddenly the other rangers, already suited up, jumped in in the order if blue, yellow, pink, green, all shouting "Hyaa!" As they jumped, but somehow they all landed at the exact same time. As the blades crossed again, is time the blue ranger stuck Shellen's chest with the drill, and as the creature was staggering back, the pink ranger with her axe and the green ranger with his mace struck the monster. The Rangers lined up showing off their weapons as Shellen had an explosion surround him out of nowhere.


"Lord Calder, the creature is down. What now?"

"Get a shield from the side." Calder responded. "It is time to bring out the big guns, literally."


A shield with a design of a turtle landed next to Shellen, who then picked it up. Once grabbed, he and the shield began growing to twenty nine stories tall.

"Whelp, we's doomed." Jeff stated.

"Two things," Mr. Angel responded, "First, that was horrible grammar. Second, why do you think I told you to put hours into that simulator?"

"I know!" Narbe stated. "The zords are highly advanced mechanical vehicles or animals that can form into a larger megazord that is in a humanoid formation!"

"Very good, Narbe." Mr. Angel responded as he pulled a scorpion shaped key from the hilt of his weapon. He inserted the key into the lock on the bottom of his pommel.

Mr. Angel then shouted "Unleash the Arsenal!" As he turned the key.

Somewhere undefined, a large hanger opened that was the middle one of seven. Out of this hanger, labeled with a gigantic red number one, came a large scorpion robot, that had a chainsaw at the end of its tail instead of a stinger. The scorpion ran through the forest until it reached the city, where it met up with the red ranger. The red ranger then hopped inside the cockpit of the Zord, as the other rangers watched in awe. Narbe then pulled out his key, put in in a lock in his morpher, and shouted "Unleash the Arsenal" while turning the key.

Back at the undisclosed location, the bay to the right of the red dock opened up. This dock had a large blue number two to mark it. Out of the hanger came a mechanical mole with a drill in place of its nose. The mole then drilled underground and dug through the ground before coming up next to the city. It then proceeded through the city until it reached the blue ranger, who then jumped into the cockpit.

Sofia then yelled "Unleash the Arsenal" and turned her key in the lock in her morpher. Back at the nondescript area, the hanger to the left of the red hanger opened up. This hanger was marked with a yellow three. Out of this hanger came a rhino with a sword for a horn. It too ran through the forest and arrived at the site of battle, where the yellow ranger jumped into the cockpit.

Runa and Jeff then yelled "unleash the arsenal!" And turned their keys into their locks. Returning to the image of the hanger built into the cliff, two hangers opened; a hanger to the right of bay two blue, and a hanger to the right of bay three yellow. The bay to the right of bay two blue was labeled with a pink four, and when it opened a bird with an axe for a beak emerged. The bay to the left of bay three yellow is labeled with a green five, and when it opened, a green elephant with a steel orb at the end of its trunk, that forms a mace, came out of the hanger. The elephant and bird proceeded through the forest  and eventually arrive at the Rangers who hop into their respective cockpits.


"My lord," Gunne started, "the rangers have summoned gigantic mechanical beasts. My opinion is that we get the biological engineers to fix that slow growth problem."

"Get them to decrease the time spent growing slowly so the rangers don't notice it." Calder responded, "But make a jump for the first time cut, we cannot have this problem of taking twenty minutes to grow."


The Rangers, except for Mr. Angel, were sitting in their zords, figuring out how to operate the zords while the monster continued to grow in front of them. The monster finally finished growing and said "You will get it now!"

Mr. Angel put away the tests he was grading, and said over the intercom "Show time guys."

The zords arranged themselves for combat, creating a form of flanking maneuver. Shellen swung his blade at the rhino, who blocked it with its horn. The bird then tried to slash Shellen, who blocked it with his shield. The mole and scorpion got in hits to knock Shellen down. Once down all the zords struck him at once, and then Shellen exploded.


The Rangers returned to base, and sat down in a living room type area that had a large couch, four fluffy chairs, and a large coffee table. Mr. Angel sat at the largest chair, Jeff, Runa, and Sofia sat down on the couch, while Narbe sat on a different chair.

"That went well." Jeff stated.

"It could have gone better." Mr. Angel responded, "Jeff, you need to log more hours into the Zord simulator. If you don't, not only will you get an F, but we will not be able to form our megazord, which is a giant robot, unless you get better."

"There is just something I don't understand," Narbe brought up, "why Jeff, the least intelligent of all of us, has an elephant Zord, when elephants are really smart."

"Probably in hopes of it rubbing off on him." Runa responded.

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