Arsenal chapter 4- Barracks Megazord

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Apologies for not updating for some time, my device that I write on kept having problems and it took a while to get one that worked. For now though, back to the Arsenal.

Mr. Angel is standing in the front of a classroom giving a lecture on various applications of mathematics in everyday society, and the students are sitting (or at least most are) bored out of their minds. The bell rings as many students rush to the door, preventing any of them from escaping. Mr. Angel stands there watching as all but six students burst through the door into the hallway. Of the remaining six students four of them gathered together, these four are the blue, green, yellow, and pink Rangers, but no one realizes it. The other two grab their stuff and begin to leave. When the two students get out of the door, Mr. Angel and the four remaining students get ready to leave.

"Interesting how we just became Rangers yesterday." Said Narbe.

"What I find odd," Mr. Angel responded, "was that there were two monsters in one day. In any case, you four did well for the first time. Oh, and Jeff, when we get to base you need to go into the simulator first thing."

In response to that Jeff grumbled and the five walked out of the door.


"My lord, why have we not attacked the city yet? Why do we wait? What is the purpose of having our army if we do not send them in?"

"You ask too many questions, Egil, a great trait for a researcher, but it will all be revealed in time." Calder responded. "For now, leave this place, I need to summon the next warrior."

Egil, Gunne, and the other two people in the room walked out. Once the group left, Calder proceeded the chant of summoning, touching another face on his staff.
The creature that was summoned was as large as a bear on its hind legs. He was covered in fur and was wearing a leather suit of armor. His face seemed like a flat bear mask with a scraggly brown beard. The creature held in his hands he held an intricately designed spear.

"Misxar, you will go down to the city and cause enough havoc to draw out the power rangers."

"Yes my lord" Misxar responded.


"FOUR HOURS!" Said Runa
"FOUR FULL HOURS!" Yelled Sofia

"I wasn't that bad, was I Mr. A?" Jeff responded

"I... Shouldn't say anything..." Mr. Angel responded

"What? Okay, B, what was my score? Was it really that bad?" Jeff asked.

"I cannot compute how low your score was. Even a blind child could do better then you, and I would know." B stated.

"How would you know, B?" Narbe asked

"Unimportant at this time, so get back into the simulator Jeff, you need the practice." Mr. Angel commented.

"That may have to wait, a creature has been sighted downtown, you'd better move." B stated.


The ranges arrived at the scene of the creature just in time to see the last of the civilians fleeing. The Rangers proceeded to stand in a straight line facing the enemy. Vardelos appeared from the sky and landed in front of the Rangers. The vardelos charged at the Rangers, who readied their weapons.

The battle ensued, with the vardelos failing to hit the Rangers, and the Rangers deflecting the blows, then countering with their own. Eventually the Rangers defeated the vardelos, and lined up facing the creature.

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