Arsenal Chapter 5- Blades of the past part 1

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Yes so soon. This one was mostly dialogue (which I am very skilled with) and also one of the chapters I have been running through the ideas since the beginning. Now, on to the story!


Calder sits in his throne room, watching the Myriad Nexus board. He waits for the alert that the bounty for Misxar has been posted. He then sees multiple alerts of available bounties that appeared in his timeline. The list includes quite a few Rangers, but one catches his eye. The red ranger from a group called Cosmic Horizon has appeared on Earth, and they apparently have nine members. This intrigues Calder, especially since one of the colors is an orange ranger. Orange. The same color as a strange spider he has in a jar in the laboratory. The thought that the spider could create his own ranger comes into his mind. Calder heads to the laboratory and picks up the jar with the spider.

"So you finally come to me?" The spider hisses

"What power can you grant, creature?" Calder asks the spider

"A scientist created me to be the companion of a ranger, but then abandoned me when another group of Rangers appeared to face the aliens that arrived"

"And then my forces... found you." Calder said, hiding something

"And I am thankful for that." The spider stated, "If you can, I would like if you found me a person to bond with"

"I will find the perfect host for you, but then you both must work for me." Calder told the spider

"What will we have to do?"

"Destroy the Power Rangers on Earth."



Sofia, Jeff, Runa, and Narbe walk out of their classroom exhausted.

"Why couldn't he have cancelled the test?" Asked Runa

"Why couldn't he have taken us to fight that guy in the meteor?" Asked Jeff

"What meteor?" Asked a nearby girl

The Rangers stopped, glared at Jeff, and turned to face the girl who spoke.

"That was just Jeff talking about the meteor that crashed a few states over-" Sofia began, "No. Way."

"I am surprised you recognize me Sofia." The girl said

"Who is she?" Asked Runa

"Liaisy!" Sofia shouted and went over to hug the transfer student

The girl, Liaisy, took the hug with an uncomfortable look on her face.

"What are you doing here? I thought you didn't have the grades to transfer?" Sofia asked

"Well, after you left it was a lot easier to succeed." Liaisy responded with venom in her voice.

Jeff and Narbe looked at each other both wondering what the new girl meant with that comment. Sofia and Liaisy went off and Sofia tried to catch up with her old friend.

Suddenly Narbe's phone rang.

"Hello?" Narbe answered

"It's Be- ... B, as you know me. Calder himself has been sighted"

"Where?" Narbe asked

"At your school"

Once B hung up Narbe motioned for Runa and Jeff to follow him. As Runa and Jeff were wondering why he had panic on his face, they followed him to the entrance of the school where they saw Calder standing outside.

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