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" 8... 9... 10. Good, you can stop." I held the bar above my best friend's face, as he rolled off the bench onto the floor, out of breath.

"Tell me why I agreed to be your gym friend?" Namjoon huffed out.

"Because you are out of shape, and no one else would do it; not even Jimin."

I walked over and sat next to the sweaty man, who never stopped complaining since day one.

"Jimin just rather sleep with other Jimin."

"Other Jimin?" I asked.

"Yeah, his wife."

I made an O shape with my lips before covering his face with a towel. "When we going to meet again?"

"Tomorrow night, 7 o'clock."

"I meant the gym."

"And I meant a date."

I looked at him with a weird look, confused. Even since the weird drunk night we worked on being best friends again, and eventually, it worked, but it took 3 months.

"I thought we talked about this...?" I looked away from him. We had talked about the romance between us.

"We did, but now I want to try this, for real."

I stayed silent and just nodded.

"Be ready by seven." Namjoon stood up from the floor, messed up my hair, and headed off to the change rooms.

dirty talk ♢ kim namjoon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now