Caught in the Act

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"Other than the grammar, it's good" I say as she hits send. She glares at me and I smile sweetly,

"What were you guys doing here anyways?" She asks

"We were playing soccer, but got bored"

"So you go and have sex" she smirks

"Dude" I groan. She laughs as she gets up

"Wanna go get a drink?" She looks at me and then at Kayden who shrugs

"I could use something"

"Great! I know a place!"

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I stumble into my house around 10:30 and my parents look up from their spot in the living room

"Jayce?" My mom asks as she instantly rushes forwards to come meet me "are you okay?"

"I'm fine mother" I respond as I head towards the kitchen "I just need a drink and I'm heading to bed"

"Okay" she said as she watches me leave. I grab a drink and walk up the stairs, praying that they won't see that I'm drunk.

"Goodnight mom. Night dad." I say as I take the rail for support. "Love you guys"

"Goodnight sweetie" My mom says

"Night son" my dad responds his eyes still glued to the tv in front of him. I smile at my mom and shut my door, pulling off my shirt.

I wince as my arm stings. I look in the mirror and see the plastic wrap that was covering my new tattoo.

Hanna begged me to go and get a tattoo. She said she wanted to piss her mom off even more, so she got a tattoo.

She dragged me with, naturally because I'm her best friend, and I'll do anything for her.
She knew if she told me that best friends get tattoos together, I'd get one. Cause I can't say no to her.

She got a tattoo of a heart with a band around it and the date 'O4. O5. 31' and I got a tic tac toe board. That's twelve tattoos altogether now.

The date she got was her grandpa's birthday. The one she never got to meet because he died in the second world War. He was only twenty years old when he died.

She wanted Kayden to get one, but he shook her off. Since he already had like twenty of them.

I sit down on the edge of the bed and drink the water. It instantly soothes my throat. And I lay down on the bed. I feel my eyes close and soon I'm in deep sleep

I open my eyes to my annoying alarm clock and groan wincing at the pounding in my head.

I should have not gotten drunk last night. I already was drunk three times this week. Good thing my parents don't know much about me and my alcoholic problems.

I grab a black pair of shorts and slide on a t-shirt with 'Keith Urban' across the front and tour dates in the back.

I shoot a quick text to Hanna

Hey, can you come pick me up? I'll buy you breakfast?

I grab a baseball cap off the nightstand and walk out the door.

"I'll see you later mom" I yell as I drop down kissing April on the head "bye love"

"Don't forget you have a dentist appointment this afternoon'' she yells as she comes out of the kitchen holding a knife.

"I won't. Making chicken I'm assuming?" I laugh as she points the knife at me

"Say one bad thing about my cooking" she threatens as she sees the twins and Hailee walking down the stairs in identical clothes.

"I wasn't going too!" I protest holding my hands up in surrender "Who you trying to impress?" I look at the girls and they shrug

"Heard a new Irish boy is coming to school" Rylee smirks "want to make a good first impression"

"Try making friends with him before you scare him off" I laugh as my mom rolls her eyes heading back into the kitchen.

Raya flips me off and I grin walking towards the door

"I'll see you guys later. Tell me how it went" I laugh "I'll take you out the movies if you want?"

"Actually?" Hailee asks

"Yeah. It will help mom" I smirk "you three out of the house for a couple hours"

"You're an ass" Raya laughs as she comes and hugs me "Love you big bro"

"Love you guys too" I smile as I grab my bag walking out the door.

Hanna texts me back

Drew will b with me. That kool? See u soon.

I guess I'll start walking. School starts soon, and I only live fifteen minutes away.

Nah it's cool. Don't worry about me. I'll walk. I'll see you two at school!

I plug in my earphones and start the walk to school. I might take a little longer considering I'm still in a cast. But whatever.

Good thing there is a café along the way. Might as well pick up something to eat from there.

I continue walking listening to 'Country Girl Shake it for Me' and soon hear the squeal of the tires

Do I look?

No you idiot!

Keep walking.

The car stops beside me and I pull out one of my earphones

''Hey! Need a ride to school?"

Neglected // BXBOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant