"It hurts" I stutter "but doctors said I should be good in a couple weeks"

"So you'll be good to play soccer again?"

"Yeah doctors said in a month or so, I should be good to go"

He hums as his finger slides over my jaw. I wince slightly and look down. I find myself being drawn to his lips.

They were full and looked perfect.

Bet he's a good kisser

Let's find out?

Without thinking I lean forward and capture his lips against mine. His hand that was on my face, cups it gently as he kisses me back.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Oh fuck me.

Do I continue?

Too late

His tongue slides along the bottom seam of my lips and I part them slightly as our tongues clash together fighting for dominance.

We continue to kiss until we hear the bell ring signaling that I was late for class.

We pull apart and he pecks my lips before standing up straight.

"I'll get you a slip, and come back at the end of the day to get your work? I'll have it by then?" He asks as I stand up feeling a little woozy

"Yes sir" I mutter as I grab my crutches and hop out of the class the yellow paper dangling between my lips.

I walk into second period and see everyone looking at me

"Care to tell me where you were?" My teacher asks as she glares at me

"Sorry if I was out" I snap as I take a seat at the back beside Hanna who looks up at me smirking

"What happened?" She asks as she pokes my lips "They look a little swollen"

"Shut up" I groan "I couldn't help it"

"Did he push you away?"

"No. He initiated the kiss more" I mutter biting my lip

"Gurlllll" she squeals

"Hanna! Jayce! Shut up!" The teacher yells at us

"He wants me to go back after school so I can get my work"

"I'm so going to make you go" she grins

"I have to if I'm gonna pass that class"

"Did he say anything else?"

I shake my head

"No he told me he'll explain everything once I get to the class later" I smile.

"Fuck I'm so excited maybe you'll actually have a boyfriend that isn't a dick" she laughs

"Not all of them were dicks" I protest.

"You had three and two of them were dicks and one of them cheated on you so we won't even classify that low ass cunt" Hanna threatens as the teacher glares at me

"Hanna! Jayce! Get out of my class" she yells. Hanna flips her red hair over her shoulder as she gets up grabbing our books and looks at me.

I quickly grab my crutches and follow her.

We walk down the hall laughing and talking when a deep voice stops both of us.

"Long time no see"

We turn and see Drew standing against the wall pretending to look cool

''Drew!" Hanna grins as she launches herself at him "I didn't know you went to this school?"

"I just have to upgrade for Social" he laughs as he hugs her.

Last night Hanna told me that Drew called her and wanted to get together. So I'm assuming that he has a a crush or whatever you want to call it on her.

Not that I minded. Like I have the hot teacher.

"When's your Social class?" Hanna asks as we walk down the hall heading for the tables in the cafeteria.

Might as well go and eat something since lunch starts in about twenty minutes. We go to the line and order some food and sit.

"Ugh third?" He questions himself.

"With Mrs. Green?" I ask laughing as I eat some fries.

"Yeah that's her face" he laughs "I'm assuming that is your class?"

"Yeah dude" Hanna grins "gotta warn you. Mrs. Green is a bitch"

"Thanks at least I'll have you two there" he smirks as he eyes Hanna, who casually checks her lipstick in her mirror.

"Just ask her" I whisper at Drew who turns towards me eyes wide


"It's obvious dude" I laugh "she'll say yes"

"How do you know?" He asks me as he glances back at her

"She'd be stupid to turn you down. Besides two red heads as my side kicks, who doesn't want that?" I smirk

"What are you two clucking about?" Hanna demands crossing her arms over her chest pretending to glare at us.

"Just how red is now my favourite colour" Drew smirks as Hanna blushes looking down

"See told you" I laugh hitting his shoulder.

[ a / n : So sorry for this ducky chapter ... this book was written almost three years ago and let me tell you my writing has improved a lot ... just bare with me! I'm going to be doing some major editing, adding description to my chapters and blah blah blah but hang in there ... I need to eat breakfast first ;) so thanks for reading my shitty story and see ya soon!

- K x

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