A Final Goodbye

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-----Tony's POV--------------
Banner, Thor, and I lift the rocks away we see Lily's body looking so peaceful. Well besides the pool of blood. We eventually cleared everything away and we get to Lily we see a few carefully folded pieces of paper laying in her hand addressed to the avengers, one for Harley and one for Loki. I carefully take her in my arms and bring her up to the surface. I forgot that I'm the only one who knows about Lily's death. Harley hugs Parker victoriously until she sees her mother and she breaks down into a sob.
" What hap-" Parker starts as he opens his mouth in shock pulling Harley into a hug.
"Lady Lily!" Thor cries even he shed a few tears.
Then came reindeer games.
----------Loki's POV------------
I walk up behind a circle of avengers and see my darling wife...dead. No this can't be happening?!
" S-she's, no she can't be, is she?" I say panicking.
" I'm sorry, there was nothing we could do to save her," Tony says.
"I-I can't believe she's gone. What will I do without her?" I cry.
"It will be ok," Tony says patting me on the shoulder, probably some Midgardian gesture of comfort.
" She wrote the Avengers a letter and she also wrote separate one's for Harley and Loki," Tony says handing Harley and i the letter as we head back.
I head straight to my room and stay in their for gods know how long before I finally open up the letter she wrote me.
My dearest Husband,
I love you with all my heart and shall continue to in spirit.You are a good man, a wonderful husband and an even better father as I know you will continue to be. Live your life full without me, full of joy and remember me through our daughter when she smiles, all the amazing times we shared. Finally don't let the man you once were surface because I'm gone.
I'll be with you, always.
With all my heart
" Oh how I'm going to miss you my sweet," I shakily say.
" But I will keep my promise to you, forever will you be with me."
---------Harley's POV-----------
I can't believe my mom is dead, I only knew her for a short amount of time but I loved her so much. I tell Peter I'm going to my room to read my letter and I'd be down in a bit, so he gives me a hug than I head to my room. I sit on the edge of my bed just thinking of my mom and how amazing she was before drying me tears as I open my letter.
My beautiful daughter,
I know our time together was short lived but it was amazing to see the strong, confident and beautiful woman you have become. Look after your father when I'm gone and make sure he doesn't get into mischief , he can be a troublemaker sometimes. My Harley, you will do great things in life, I just know it. I'm giving you my swords to have with you and to train to become the fierce warrior I know you will become. I can't express how proud of you I am already, you strong, bold, courageous but most of all you're confident in yourself. These qualities will take you far, my flower. Treasure your memories because they will shape your future.
I love you,
" I love you too, mom," I sob as I finish reading the letter.
" I will always remember you."
------------Coulson's POV------
I lost both my 'daughters' in one week, I can't believe this.
" Guys gather around," I call to all the avengers and friends.
" I know we all have suffered immensely from the death of... of uh, Lily. She left us a note or letter with her final thoughts and words which will be read at her funeral in two days, which we should start making preparations for."
I say and dismiss them as I silently cry in my room.
--------2 days later at the funeral----------------------------- (same POV)
" Today we gather to honor the life of our dear teammate, family member or mother or wife. Her name was Lily Odinson, she was the bravest, kindest girl I've ever known. She was like a daughter to me and I loved her very much. She didn't have much family besides her loving husband, daughter and sister, two of which are here today. She wrote a letter to all of us avengers to express her final thoughts." I say as I start reading the letter aloud.
Dear Friends,
I didn't know how to start this letter because you are more than friends to me, you are family. We've been through so much over the course of the years and have formed a bond not even breakable by death. We've suffered losses together, triumphs, disappointments and glories all of which bonded us even closer together; but no matter the problem or situation we always fight to the end. Captain Rodgers taught me to fight till you can't stand and Coulson taught me it's ok to fail sometimes. Matt, Luke, and Jessica taught me that being tough doesn't always have to be shown saving the day on television but by doing small things in your own community. Tony, Banner, and Dr. Strange taught me that science and all its wonders can never form a bond as unbreakable as friendship. The guardians taught me that being their for your teammates is extremely important. T'Challa, Iron Patriot, and Ant-man taught me that being yourself and working hard, staying true to yourself will guide you to a good path. Thor and Jane showed me protecting friends is just as important as loving them. Nat and Barton showed me that your enemies can become your best friends. Coulson's team reminded me what a family means and finally, Loki and Harley taught me that love sometimes isn't initially what you wish for... but you earn through trust and friendship. Thank you for providing me with a wonderful life and amazing love. My wish all of you is that you live a life full of love and friendship, as I have.
Wishing you happiness and joy,
-----------No one's POV-------------
Years later, Lily got what she wished for. All the avengers, Loki and Harley are living happily and joyfully remembering Lily fondly everyday.
The End.
----------------Authors note------
I know I said that the chapter before this was the last one but I decided to add one more. It's been a pleasure writing this for the past few years and thank you for reading.
Love ❤️
P.S look at the next chapter

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