Please Hurry

17 1 0

Jesse emerged in what used to be a large room, with holes in the walls and floor, and the walls were crumbling. Despite all that, it was beautiful. "Now this is cool." Axel said as he emerged from the stairs.

"Wow." Jesse breathed. Axel walk over to a destroyed wall.

"What happened to the walls?" Axel wondered, looking around.

"More like what happened to this whole place." Jesse muttered, looking around.

"This must have been where they met." Olivia suggested.

Axel turn to her with half of his unibrow raised, "So where are they?"

Jesse spoke up, "Gabriel said that once we find the temple, the Amulet would lead us to the Order of the Stone."

Axel turn to her, "Well, what are you waiting for? Pull it out then."

"I don't think it's that simple." Angel murmured, frowning.

"You're right." Gabriel agreed, shaking his head, "It's not."

Everyone walk up to them as Jesse pull out the Amulet and grin in excitement when she held it up above her head. Nothing happened. 

Olivia dropped her grin, "Is... something supposed to happen?"

"Well, that was a let down." Axel said in a disappointed tone before walking away to look at the map.

Jesse lowered the Amulet, "There's got to be something we're missing. Look around and see if you can find anything."

They split up to take a look around as Jesse spotted Lukas sitting on some steps under the map reading a book. She made her way over to him, "Find anything interesting in that book?"

Lukas look up at her, "The only thing I've found so far is that the Amulet was used to track the positions of the members of the Order."

"And does it mention how?"

"It's less technical and... well, more historical." He replied. Jesse hummed a bit and walked away, only to spot a banner with the Amulet on it.

"Oh, there we go!" Soren exclaimed.

"It's the same as the Amulet." Jesse blinked. She stepped closer to it and took out the Real-Amulet before placing it on top of the pedestal. 

Walking around a huge hole in the floor and over to a table with redstone lamps covered with stained glass and levers on it, she pull a random lever, making some of the redstone lamps lit up. She pulled another lever, making the redstone lamps switch out and replaced by new ones on the bottom.

"Is it some sort of puzzle?" Petra asked, raising an eyebrow. 

That's when Jesse got to work. She quickly turn on the rest of the levers, before turning off the second and fourth.

 Immediately, all the lanterns light up, and a white beam shot out from the redstone lamp sitting in the middle of the table and hit the center of the Amulet, shooting different colored beams across the map.

"Wow." Angel said, her eyes practically glowing, "That's absolutely amazing!"

"It took nearly three years to complete it." Ellegaard said, smiling a bit, "We all have to give some of our DNA."

"Wow." Jesse said in awe. 

"It's absolutely incredible." Olivia said onscreen, looking at the map, "How they build this? Okay. Now I'm impressed."

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