Do I Forgive Him

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Your POV

We laughed at Cat's outburst. Do I forgive him? Should I forgive him? I'll forgive him, but I'm not going to completely forgive him. I just felt a sharp pain in my heart when he kissed my neck. Guilt? No, anger? No, sadness? No, love? Maybe it was love. I just don't know what any emotion but boredom and anger feels like.

"Lucy, Cat, I can't leave the Nether." Laurence said.

"Why?" Catalina asked.

"Because, both of your guys' parents are out to get me, Shad and Aphmau."

"Heh, I can arrange things with my father, but that won't stop Aphmau from doing anything." I said.

"Um......... Lucy, no one ever actually told you this, but the whole village is scared of you. Nobody truly trust you, anymore." Cat told me in a sad voice.

"Lucy, what did you do?" Laurence asked.

"Eh, you know, hold swords to peoples throats, punch people on my anger's whim, and get into plenty of fights. Its what you get when you have Gene as a teacher. Oh and when the only thing you remember how to feel is anger, you learn to let that anger control you."

"I'm sorry." Laurence said.

"Don't be, I may have officially cut off my emotions after you left, but anger was my talent ever since I was born."

"Lucy, what are we going to do about my mom, Katelyn, and Garroth. They all want to kill Laurence. Plus Vlyad is still out to get you." Cat said.

"Vlyad is still after you?" Laurence asked.

"Yeah, he is. I'm pretty sure most of the people in this world are. So Catalina, heard ya kissed Travis. Are the rumors true?"

"Where did you hear that from?" my sister asked.

"Oh honey, father didn't say it, but I read his mind."

"The rumors are true, but we best be going before they come looking for me."

"Oh, Laurence, you're coming with." I said, I grabbed his hand, I grabbed Cat's hand, and took off.

Time skip.

"I'm going to go find Travis." Cat said.

"Okay, have fun." I called after her.

"What are we going to do about me?" Laurence asked, still holding onto my hand.

"I don't know, just role with it. I'll protect you from Aphmau and her guards' raths, if you help me be able to feel again. I mean I may look nineteen, but I'm really forty-one." I said with a chuckle.

"And I thought I was old."

"Will you help me?"

"Yes, of course. After all it is my fault."

"Not all yours, Vlyad and Aaron's too."

"So, where do we start?"

"Lets start with........ Love."

"That should be easy." Laurence kissed me harder than usual. It was like that time when I was in the prison, he was trying to get me to kiss back, but before I did my heart thawed out. Laurence released our kiss. "I love you, Lucy."

"I want to know how to love you too, Laurence." We were about to kiss again, but someone pulled me away from him, and held a sword to my neck.

"Hello Lucy." the person said.

"Hello Vlyad, how are you? Still out to get me it seems."

"I'm fine. I thought you wanted to rip his head off. What changed?"

"Oh, haven't you heard..... Love can thaw a frozen heart. Oh, and I met my sister. So I suggest you unhand me before you hurt her heart."

"Who is she?"

"Catalina." Vlyad immediately released me, Laurence pulled me into a hug, and Vlyad stood there shocked. "Guilt hurts, doesn't it?"

"I'm not guilty. If you do one thing wrong, I will not hesitate to kill you."

"Fine by me. Oh, and don't you mean... If I do one more thing wrong?" I smirked.

"Yeah, that. You're lucky Aaron's dead."

"You're lucky you're still alive." Vlyad scowled then walked away, but before he disappeared he said....

"I'll be watching Laurence too."

"Wow, you've gotten better at making people mad." Laurence said to me.

"I know, it comes as a talent."

"Let me take you home, and we'll play Katy Perry's Birthday song."

"Oh really, can I sing peacock?"

"Sure!" then we walked to my house and did stuff.

If you were wondering about the song parts, well don't. Peacock and Birthday are both secretly dirty songs. Tell me if you know what I mean in the comments.


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