A Sister?

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Your POV

"A sister?" Laurence asked. I nodded.

"She is said to be just like me, but she died. I never met her. But, since I'm immortal, I'll get to meet her when she's reborn in less than a year. That's one reason I was in the Nether, I was talking with my dad."I said.

"Oh, do you know what she looks like."

"No, I do not. I just know I will see her in less than a year."

"Okay, I'll wait with you."

Seven years later.

Aaron is thankfully dead, Vlyad is in Tu'la, Laurence broke his promise of waiting with me seven years ago when he found out Aph was pregnant, Aphmau had twins Catalina and Alina, Alina is now seven, Lillith is eleven, and Catalina is nineteen. How she is 19, well see grew up in three minutes to a sixteen year old, and its been three years since she was born. I am now 41 in actual age, but really I'm still nineteen.

After Laurence left seven years ago I finally set my emotions aside. I was mad at him, but I kept my cool, what angered me the most was, I thought he loved me, BUT NO, HE STILL LOVED APHMAU! SO WHEN HE FINDS OUT SHE'S PREGNANT HE RUNS AWAY! Anyways, I never did find my sister. Today I go to meet my dad, he has a human form now. I believe he took over Aaron's body. We found that out four years ago.

Time skip to the Nether. (P.S. you come here all the time, without anyone knowing)

As I was walking I saw Laurence's fortress, trust me I want to rip it to shreds, find him, and kill him, but I'm a civilized person. I arrived at my dad's fort. I am greeted by Gene, he bows, and I walk into my dad's chambers. He wasn't there, then Gene walked up behind me.

"He went to go get someone." Gene stated.

"Okay, then, I'll wait." I replied.

Awhile later. (Sorry 'bout the time skips, they're necessary)

"I lost her!" my dad yelled, "She ran out of my arms after stabbing me."

"Who?" I asked.

"Your sister. I wanted you to meet her. She has been under your nose this entire time, go to Laurence's fort, that's where she is. Just don't talk to her."

"I-I don't know if I can."

"Why not?"

"Laurence used to like me, but he broke my heart. If I even look at him, he might not have a face."

"Rip it off, I don't care. Just see her for yourself."

"Okay." then I went to find my sister.

Hey today was the start of the crossover, next chapter you will see it in action.

464 words.

I love a Shadow Knight. LaurenceXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now