Chapter 17

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This started off  as a scenario for nightmares, and it was so closely related to the story that I edited it to fit the other parts I wrote for it. :P
I have too much free time. Someone plz help 😐


You stared at Frisk in disbelief..
They were in tears as they ran towards you, their bottom lip trembling on their face small face.
"C-Chara said-! Chara said!"
You shushed them quickly, hugging the close to your chest.
Frisk rarely talked unless it was something crucial..
You gnawed nervously at your bottom lip.
It was good that Chara was okay. But what exactly did they tell poor little Frisk here..?
That made them race down here so quickly too?
You could see the cuts and scraps all over the kid, bruises littered their knees.
They must've been not too careful this time around.
You ran your hand through their chestnut hair, a sigh leaving your lips as you lifted them up.
Even with your different features they seemed to recognize you, at least one roadblock was out the way..
You stiffened as your careful embrace turned into a protective one.
Now the next roadblock..
You turned around slowly towards Sans. Making sure Frisk couldn't see him, and the sickening grin he had plastered on his skull.
"Whats lil Frisk doing here hm?" He cooed innocently as he took a step forward. You rooms step back and shook your head, eyes narrowing.
"Don't." You were surprised at how steady your voice was. You were terrified. You didn't know what he wanted with Frisk. If it was to kill them. You wouldn't allow it..
You promised to protect them no matter what..
"Took the fall down huh kid? Why don't you give ol Dunkle Sansy here,"
Magic wrapped around your form. Your soul turning blue and grounding you as Frisk was lifted from your arms. A look of terror on their face.
They were gently set down in front of his towering figure.
His eye sparking to life as he chuckled and held out a hand. Bones ready to pierce right through the child.
"A  h u g . . . "
You only heard a scream echo around you as you closed your eyes. You weren't going to watch them die again. Not this time..
You heard a small thump that made your heart leap in your chest. You opened your eyes, expecting to see a bloodied mess around you, only to see Frisk sitting on the ground taking shuddering breaths as Sans held the bones inches away from their face. An amused smiled made its way on to his skull as he chuckled sadistically and called away the bones.
Another laugh was heard before helping Frisk up.
"I won't kill you..As long as you don't pull nothing." He gave them a sickening sweet smile as they squeezed the child's thin wrist. You heard them yelp as they nodded frantically with tears blurring their now fully opened eyes.
You rarely noticed it before, but their eyes were almost a same shade as Chara's. Must've been because of their determination.
"Sans stop!"
"Ugh you're no fun." He snapped his fingers, you took a deep breath and rubbed your chest. His magic was stronger..
Stronger than before..
"No fun?? C'mere Frisk!" You held out your arms towards Frisk. They scrambled towards your arms and hid their face in your jacket.
You gave their head a gentle pat before giving Sans a stern look.
He was acting out more. Especially since you had woken up to him aiming at you. And from a nightmare too. Bizarre as it was, you shrugged it off momentarily as you nearly cried your eyes out when you explained that creepy oozing darkness that tormented you in your dreams..
Not at all how the other dreams were..
And here you silently wished that it would fade away..
Not this time though...
You could still feel it lingering around.
Always watching..
It made you shiver involuntarily.

"Frisk..go upstairs, in Papyrus' room okay?" You asked looking down at them. They nodded in response before giving you a quick squeeze and going for the stairs..
That was till Sans stopped them.
"Woah there bucko.." He grabbed their arm and pulled them back.
"We have things to work out."
Frisks expression twisted into a apprehensive one as they tried to pull away.
"He meant all of us Frisk.." You substituted in for his lack of explanation as you took their hand and pulled him away with a disapproving stare.

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