Chapter 16

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Error P.o.v:

He was probably the only one who felt it.
He was surprised that Ink or your Sans didn't feel it..
Haha..He actually thought he wouldn't fucking notice??
He wasn't dumb, not in the slightest
He felt that dark prescience within your Soul.
The last thing he needed right now was him to ask him questions.
He wasn't always this quiet. He wasn't quite talkative either.
Just..Observant. He'd quip on how dumb or naive a person was being.
But now wasn't the time..
He wasn't going to tell Ink either. Unless he wanted the little idiot going practically insane trying his hardest to gather other Au's to protect you. And he didn't need that. You didn't need that.
No attention needed to be called to you.
Especially to them..
Anyone of them would like to get their hands on you and harvest the hate and determination for their own advantage..
They'd break you..
He just hoped that he wouldn't try anything. Not with your Sans around.
And while Error thought he was doing these things purely for petty reasoning and self gain. He wouldn't let anything happen to you..
You'd get him to reset one day.
And then the two of you could be happy..
He just needed to calm that hate down within you..
You were attracting unwanted attention to yourself.
And him..

Ha..Like you didn't attract enough attention from Ink who was probably watching your every move now..
At least that unwanted slim ball hasn't figured out your location yet. He was probably only feeling the negative vibes from you. But if his brother could find you first..
Things would go much smoother..
He just had to make sure he stayed hidden. Even if it meant leaving that anomaly Cross alone.
A damn shame too.
He liked fucking around with him...
He was fun to piss off.
Hopefully he wouldn't find him and question him..
It was the last thing he needed...

As long as Ink didn't catch wind of any of this..
It'd be okay
Everything would be okay.

Your p.o.v:

You bounced your leg up and down impatiently as you sat there. Chewing on your bottom lip in mild frustration.
Chara wasn't talking to you anymore..
Hopefully they were back with Frisk..
And maybe..
Just maybe..
Frisk wouldn't entertain coming down here since you were already here.
After a tearful goodbye (From Ink mostly XD) and a few suggestions on getting your world back to normal, the two of you were sitting on the lumpy green couch back in Snowdin. Both of you refused to bring up the subject of RESETS or anything relating to the past at all...
Since he did seem to get violent whenever you mentioned something like this...
You needed to take your mind off these things..
You needed advice.
Ink and Error had done enough. You didn't want to burden them with more problems. Especially relating to THIS timeline..
Maybe Gaster? No..Sans would need to kill you again. And you weren't up for dying.
So how do you contact void man in this messed up timeline.
You had no clue...
You sighed heavily as you leaned back on the couch.
"Look...I know you're itching to talk about this. I'll bite.."
Your eye twitched slightly.
Did he just make a fucking joke???
Slowly, but surely your head turned to stare at him in disbelief.
He wasn't serious was he?
But the gentler side of you was responding with a laugh. He looked pleased with himself..
"Thanks...But we don't have to talk about this if you don't want to. I can wait..."
He hummed out in response before giving a half shrug.
"Yeah..It's best we wait for Frisk.."
A look of suspicion crossed your face. You remembered what he said about the poor kid. Saying he had a "bone to pick" with them. And you weren't letting him lay a single finger on the kid.
"You harm a hair on their head, and I'll tell Error to end you."
He snorted before covering his mouth.
"Like he could." A wicked smile peeked from behind his hand, it held promise too.
He didn't like Error from the start. From the glitching and pitching of his voice to his attitude towards everyone. Besides, there was no way he was going to let that glitchy fuck win.

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