The Last Night

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IMPORTANT: Listen guys, it's been an unacceptably long while since I have last updated this story. In some ways this is good. I can look back at it with new eyes and fix the mistakes that I've made. ONE of these things that I don't like about this, is its lack of real, genuine plot. So, I'm adding some in. Sort of.

DON'T WORRY, if at first you are confused, have faith in me. I PROMISED you a lemon, and a lemon you will get. However, instead of just giving you the sex scene you wanted, I will give you so much more in my opinion. Sweet, genuine, passion filled sex. Not this dumb fucking around I've been droning on about. It gets boring.

PATIENCE. Keep reading and don't lose faith in me. Thanks!

Obvious smut and language warning.

I gaze into his eyes. Those beautiful eyes that I suddenly and painfully remember don't belong to Levi. The emerald drowns out the grey in a heartbeat, and his pupils shrink down into infinitesimally small slits. For some reason, as the switch that turns Levi into his lustful, predatory state flicks on, a switch that I didn't realize had been flipped on inside my head switches off.

The switch that made me blissfully forgetful that Levi... has been under the effect of a love potion this whole time. The electric wire of passion and lust that had been severed and left dangerously sparking over these past couple of days dies down a little. A sudden, crashing wave of feeling that constricts my heart makes my breath cut short and my eyes fall down to the floor, tear filled and wary.

"(Y/n)?" I unintentionally let out a choked sob- his voice sounds caring, and it's beyond anything I could have dreamed I would hear before all of this happened. He takes in a sharp breath from shock, and backs of a tiny bit, giving me some space. A small, quivering grin works its way onto my lips at the gesture; sweet and understanding; hurting my heart just a little.

"Do... do you really love me?" I whisper. It's barely audible enough for him to hear, even with the extra pair of highly sensitive ones atop his head.

He pauses for only a beat before placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I force myself to look up into his eyes again, just to make sure. To see the slightly glittering silver in them again makes me steel myself to listen.

"(Y/n), of course I love you. What is this about?"

I sigh in slight relief, marking off my mind's painful accusation that he might have only said those things because of the potion. The live wire of lust sputters out a few sparks and brings my attention back to it as I feel his breath flutter my eyelashes and end at my neck, unintentionally reminding me of our close proximity.

It would be stupid to try and tell myself that I don't feel extremely inclined to go through the act of sex with Levi right this very instant. But the thing holding me back... is that damned potion. It wouldn't feel right, and even if I did go through with it right now, I would hate myself for it.

Levi searches my wavering gaze for whatever is bothering me, shell-shocked from the reaction he got from what he thought was as tame of an action as many others that had happened within the past two days. He squeezes my shoulder lightly, silently pushing for his answer.

"I... the potion."

"What about it?"

"I... I really want... to d-d-do that... type of thing w-wi-with you... but I want... to make sure..." I take a breath and close my eyes for a second, trying to work myself up to say whatever it is I'm trying to say- seeing as my brain wants to know what my mouth is doing moving without its specific consent. "I want... to make sure that i-it is..." I turn my gaze up into his searching silvery blue eyes and let him help me coax the word out of my mouth, "genuine..."

Here Kitty, Kitty (Shy!Reader x Neko!Levi)Where stories live. Discover now