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My family never expected me to ever want to join the scouting regiment, or even to want to go to training camp for three years, but I felt like I had to help. Right now, I am seriously regretting my helpful nature.

"Scrub harder. If you want to volunteer your services so bad, you should at least do a better job than that, brat." Captain Levi half growls from behind me, which causes me to start wondering why he's ordering me around without doing any work himself. I don't say anything though. I agreed to help, fully understanding what the consequences of it would be.

I curtly nod to him and dig my fingernails into my rough, gritty washcloth, to both be able to scrub harder and to keep from looking even more scared than I already am. Levi can be about a hundred times scarier when there's no one else around. Sadly, I only just realized that.

"You missed a spot over there." He spits with a straight expression and his pointer finger out.

I automatically move the grubby cloth to where the end of his finger is pointing, but he seems to get even more annoyed by this.

"Not there, there! Do you need glasses, Cadet?"

"N-no sir." I respond back, trying hard not to squeak.

He sighs when I move the cloth a few inches to the side, apparently still not meeting his demand. I feel the soft thumps of his shoes hitting the floor as he walks up from behind me. It sends an involuntary a shudder through my body and makes my shoulders bunch up in defense. It doesn't help that he kneels down behind me and takes hold of my forearm.

I instinctively flinch and tense up, thinking that he would grab it roughly, but he only takes a gentle hold of it, almost gliding his fingertips down the skin of my arm until his palm meets it. I shudder again as I feel his warm breath hitting against the back of my neck and slightly shifting a few stray hairs in my loose ponytail.

"Here, move over here." He mumbles calmly. It shocks me. I've never heard him speak like this to anyone since Petra passed away on the last expedition. It almost brings tears to my eyes just thinking about my dear friend again.

He coaxes my arm to move and places his other hand softly on my lower back. I relax only a little and let my eyes go back to normal size from their previously widened state. I almost sigh, but I hold it back.

"Right here, okay?" He softly mutters next to my ear. I hadn't realized that he had shifted closer. Something wells up in my chest that I've felt before when he has caught my gaze before with soft eyes. Part of the reason I volunteered was to be a little closer to him.

I feel him stop for a second and shake his head before increasing his grip a bit on my arm and opening his mouth. "After you get this spot you'll be done, got it brat?" His voice picks up its usual annoyed tone, and I clench my jaw in fear again. "And after that report to Hanji's office, got it? Straight after."

I nod again. He stops moving again, and I hear his breathing even stop for a brief second. All of the sudden his tightening hand leaves my arm and wraps tightly around my lower jaw. He holds it tightly, and I squeak, jerking back a bit and meeting his hard front.

"Look at me, (Y/n)."

My eyes widen to the size of saucers as he seductively whispers in my ear with a deep, smooth tone. And did he just say my name? He never ever does that to anybody. I try to squirm out of his grasp and look away from him, but he holds firm and growls, making me feel the rumble it makes against my back as he presses me into his chest further. I slowly turn towards his eyes that are only inches away from my right earlobe, trying not to shake.

'Close enough to kiss... wait, what? No, no, no, stop thinking that this instant!'

His dark, steely grey eyes bore into mine. I can't suppress my shiver anymore, and I swear I see the side of his lips curve up, but only about a half of a millimeter. I grimace. He doesn't smile. At practically anybody. Either that was my imagination, or I'm in some really deep trouble.

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