Filthy Brats

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My mind goes into autopilot for the next few minutes and I don't remember what I had been thinking about at all. The only thing that wakes me from my trance and gets me to realize the stiff ache right beneath my chin and the grainy looking, white painted ceiling is a brush of something soft against the tip of my cheekbone. I hum and bring my right hand up to see what was resting on my cheek, letting my fingertips brush against the fluffy thing tickling my skin. I jerk my head up as I hear a soft chuckle and immediately meet a few drops of cool water splashing onto my face.

Levi is a few inches away from me with a very poorly concealed smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. His hair is dripping wet and he flicks his right ear forward, throwing another water droplet onto my face.

"Hey!" I pout and give him my best glare. I already know it doesn't do much from experience, but it doesn't help that he actually smiles when I do it. He doesn't smile at anybody, anywhere, at any time, or anyhow. I am definitely in trouble.

I scoot my chair back with a very loud screech that makes me wince slightly. Levi isn't fazed at all, or at least doesn't show it, and just takes another step forward. I clench my jaw and move back some more, knowing full well that if I go any farther, all I will hit is the corner of the bed.

Taking our distance an advantage, I swing myself around the chair and stand behind it to somewhat shield myself. He laughs and doesn't take one step this time, but keeps walking until he reaches almost an arm's distance away from the front of the wooden chair. He brings his foot up and slams it down on the seat, leaning his elbow on his knee and staring into my eyes with an unreadable expression.

I jump as I hear a loud crack of one of the legs on the chair splintering, which pulls a small smirk onto his face. His tail viciously smacks against the air behind him and the muscles in his shoulders bunch up a bit. I can feel the pressure in the air thicken and flick my eyes around the room to try and look for some type of escape or weapon- anything. My hands start to shake, and I feel the almost inaudible tapping of my fingernails against the wood below my fingers.

Levi opens his mouth and bares the two elongated canines that I had spotted earlier. He growls softly and keeps the smirk on his face. I furrow my brows in frustration and give him a real glare- well, as much of one I can give without looking absolutely terrified, anyway. He falters a bit in his eyes and closes his mouth, then lets his shoulders relax. Shaking his head a few times, he presses one of his hands to his forehead and sighs.

I use this distraction to clamber over the bedspread as fast as possible and use the bed as a second barrier. I mean, what am I supposed to do? All I can really do is put distance between us- any other option would probably end with me dying.

He lifts his hand from his forehead, and looks at me straight in the eyes with a neutral expression. Seconds of staring silently into each other's my eyes pass, then his tail drops between his legs, and he takes his gaze away then crosses his arms with a "humph". His eyes look slightly troubled, and it in turn puts me on edge even the tiniest bit more.

"Sorry." That's all he mutters. And then he walks forward and sits down on the bed. As my heart rate starts to settle, it stops for a brief second as I catch a glimpse of his left hipbone. It is really easy to see, now that he's only... wearing... a towel...

I almost collapse right then and there. It's too much. That pulling feeling of wanting to crawl into a corner and just stay there alone for a while comes back into my consciousness like an old friend. I even start to take a step towards the far end of the room, where a small writing desk obscures almost every part of the corner.

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