Mood Swings

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A/N: I've decided to make myself an update schedule which will be Wednesday because I generally write about 4,000 words in each chapter or so... yep.

I try to say something else, but my word are cut off as he stands over me, his shadow cast halfway over me from the afternoon sun streaming through the small window. I flounder for something to say or do, but really, there's not much I can do. I keep staring up at him. Only when I squint to look into his eyes a little more do I notice the slit has shrunk to an almost nonexistent line and his bluish grey eyes have turned more into a metallic green color flecked with tiny spots of gold. He just stands there, staring at nothing else but my face, but really there's nothing else to stare at because of the soapy water concealing most of everything. I silently thank whoever put that bar of soap there (which was probably Levi, but whatever).

All of the sudden, he squats down to the floor right next to the bathtub and then crosses his legs under him without taking his eyes off of me. He then turns his head and pushes it into the palm of my hand that had been simply laying over the edge of the tub. When he pulls away for a second and I don't make any move in my hand to follow him, a tiny, pleading sound comes out of his mouth. It sounds like a little mewing noise. I stare in shock at him with my mouth wide open and my face beet red.

He pushes pleadingly into my hand again, this time making sure to let the edge of his ear brush softly against my fingertips.

"L-Levi?" I ask again. He doesn't make a sound, but instead pushes harder into the palm of my hand. I sigh and stare at him for a second before moving my hand to gently scratch behind one of his large pointed ears. A sigh comes from his mouth, followed by a light rumbling noise that vibrates under the tips of my fingers.

I keep petting his head, enjoying the soft sleek feel of his hair under my hand. I lightly rub up the back side of his ears and knead little circles into the fluffy area. The rumbling sound gets a little louder, and he hums lowly as he leans fully into my hand. I smile at him, and watch silently as he purrs under my touch.

He opens his eyes, and I think to myself that I don't remember noticing when he shut them. He brings his hand up and grabs a hold of my wrist with a firm and strong grip. I stop and look at him with a slightly scared expression and search his eyes for some kind of anger, but I can't find barely any emotion in them.

All of the sudden, he is back on his feet looming over me again. My eyes don't follow him up, and instead glue themselves to the way his jeans cling to the slight dips of his hipbones. Distracted, I don't notice his other hand dipping into the bathwater until it finds a resting place behind both of my knees.

In a quick motion, I'm being pulled out of the water and up into his arms. His eyes don't move from mine as I'm forced to break my gaze with his sinful hips and retrain my eyes onto his. I don't dare wiggle in his arms for fear of falling flat on the floor. I give him a terrified look as he moves his arm in a swift motion from my wrist to a comfortable position behind my back.

I instinctively bring my arms to wrap tightly around the back of his neck as he turns and starts to walk out of the room.

"W-what are you d-doing?!" I squeak as he lightly kicks the door out of the way. I feel little drops of water sliding down the small of my back and also along my legs before dripping down from the tips of my toes.

I gasp as I realize that Levi is walking me over to the bed and feel my muscles tense up. I start to say something, but I can already feel my back making contact with the sheets. He sets me down gently, and I'm already scrambling to cover myself up. Both of my hands reach up to cover my breasts while I press my legs together as tight as I can. He stays with me and places his left knee up on the bed while swinging the other leg over my body before sitting down on my hips.

Here Kitty, Kitty (Shy!Reader x Neko!Levi)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora