His mouth falls open but remains quiet. I shake my head and open my mouth to speak once more. "I don't know if what you said last night was true. You're just a typical vampire, Valentine, hungry for blood and sex."

The dead silence made it feel like my heart was falling out of my chest. I'm drowning and I can see him above the surface, but he doesn't jump in to save me. A pressure builds behind my eyes and around my temples and I head out without looking back.

"Saphira." His voice was deep but emotionless.

I ignore and keep walking out of the door. The halls are dark and not one soul is around. I move my legs to quickly get away from him and I make to the entrance of the training room without him following. I make it close to my room and I look back and sigh with relief at the empty hall behind me. The wound in my shoulder has healed and the blood is beginning to dry. I need to clean myself up before anything else happens.

As I turn back around, I am abruptly halted as Valentine's masculine and tall frame loomed right over me, casting a shadow against the walls.

"I don't want to talk." I say with malice. I close my eyes to fight back what's been captive in my heart. He comes forward and pushes me into the wall, pinning both of my arms to my sides. I trail my eyes to his face and I can't help but gasp at the black orbs that looked down at me with a hard and impenetrable gaze.

His thick lashes create a dark shadow under his eyes, giving the appearance that everyone seems to view him as - a dark and brooding spirit of the underworld. I shift my gaze to the side but Valentine commands otherwise. "Look at me."

His hands leave my clenched fists and he traps my head between his cold palms, forcing me to keep looking into his dark eyes. Veins start protruding from the hollows of his eyes and friction electrifies the ends of my hair and tips of my fingers. I hear a ferocious growl coming from the bottom of his throat as his fangs elongate and his pupils turn red.

I squirm against his rock hard body but he is immovable, even with all the vampire strength I have. I don't know what he is doing, but I don't want to stay to find out. He can kill me. I try to kick myself out from under him but he has me stuck between his body and the wall.

My breathing quickens as his mouth inches closer to my face.

"I'm not your typical vampire, Saphira," he whispers and I shiver from head to toe from the chill in his voice as it hits the small hairs on my cheek and ear. "I'm the monster that vampires fear. I don't just drink, I devour."

He throws his head back to prepare himself to bite me with his razor sharp teeth. I gasp audibly and seal my eyes shut to meet my fate. Maybe this is how it should have ended long ago. I should have let him drain me the night we met. The savage rumble of his growl hit my heart and head really hard.

He is a monster. A monster I undeniably fell in love with.

He places a free hand over my chest. "I could rip your heart out and let you bleed." The edges of his fangs graze my skin and instead of maliciously biting me, he gives me a soft but passionate kiss. "But I can't."

Valentine brushes his thumb across my lips and caresses check and neck. My tense shoulders relax as he releases his tight grip around me and sets me down. He gulps and his jaw becomes stiff. "Do it, you'd be doing me a favor," I cry out with an icy tone.

He hits the wall with his palms and he presses himself even harder into me, leaving no room between our limbs. I try not to push back because my attempts would be utterly useless.

"You are not going to die until I say you do," he enunciates in a voice so husky it made it feel like I'm walking into a cold room.

"That wasn't part of our agreement."

"It is now."

I try to shove him off and succeed and making him hit the opposite wall. "So, what, you're just going to keep me here until Sebastian tries kill me instead?"

Surprisingly, he picks himself up and looks at me in confusion. "Sebastian wasn't trying to kill you, Saphira," he says incredulously.

"I saw him, as clearly as I see you now," I protest.

"It can't be him because we have him locked up. Sebastian is with the council as we speak and the shifter is being kept in the dungeons with plenty of guards. "

My eyebrows meet together in doubt and I clench my fists on my sides. Whenever I close my eyes I can see his glowing green eyes flash with so much hatred.

I gulp deeply. "Show me."

"Hm," he hums, "Are you going to cooperate now?"

His demeanor changes as he bites his lip and gives me a look of mischief. His playful side has to be my favourite - it makes me feel very comfortable around him.

"Oh, please, Valentine," I scoff. "You're the prime instigator, I should be asking yourself that, not me."

The ambience around us is more than amiable now. It feels intimate. He takes this time to step closer until our faces are only inches apart. His eyes are now their original majestic hue of never ending seas. "I'm sorry," he whispers before sweeping a stray lock of hair away from my face, "come, I'll take you to see him."

We make our way into the dungeons, which is in the same direction as the training room. It's actually adjacent to it. I was so close to him earlier that I could have just walked in and finished him with my bare hands. As we walk in, the smell of titanium grows stronger and the sense of captivity is present in the air.

Two muscular guards greet us at the entrance and clear us to go in. To my surprise it's bright with enclosed cells. Multiple vampires and creatures were being held in their own rooms, behind thick glass.

"Ah, Saphira," a voice says out of one corner. "I knew I would see you down here soon. Have you come to visit our rogue assassin?"

I don't move, instead I keep my head held high and my eyes narrowed at him. He wouldn't be foolish enough to do something in here. Sebastian gives me a curious look, waiting for me to acknowledge him. If he isn't the shifter, there is definitely something odd about him. Valentine says it wasn't him, but I have high doubts. And I don't care that he is King, I'm perfectly fine with killing royalty, so long as it is justified.

I fold my arms and shift my weight to my left side. "Where is he?"

Sebastian gives a sinister smile and clasps his hands behind his back before turning to the single cell on the far side of the room. "This way."


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