Legend Of Zelda: Ocarania Of The Damned

Start from the beginning

I woke up in bed. I was not sure of how I had got there when I had passed out in the living room. I sat up instantly, and looked around the room. The clock read 11:15am. My girlfriend was standing in the doorway just staring at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. I didn't get an immediate response. There was a vacancy in her eyes, as if she was hypnotized, and it made me question if it were really her. I asked her is she was okay, again I got no response. When she finally spoke all that she said to me was "I'm in a Zelda mood. Let's play Zelda." I was very confused by this because we had agreed the night prior to take the system and the game back.

When I reminded her of this she said, "Don't be silly! Why would I want to take it all back when we were having so much fun! Come on, I want to play Ocarina of Time! It's your favorite... isn't it?" She walked into the living room on her own. I couldn't help but notice her eyes. Naturally, they were hazel green, but today they looked... dark; black almost. I stood from my bed and walked into the room where she held out Ocarina of Time to me. As much as I love Ocarina, I told her just to wait for a little while.

I used the bathroom, brushed my teeth, showered, changed, and even though she told me to hurry every five minutes or so, I was ready in about a half an hour. I didn't want to play Nintendo 64, not after all that had happened last night. I told her what I had done after she had gone to bed and everything that had happened. "I know." She told me. "I know everything." I asked her how, but she just laughed and gave me the game. She commanded me to play

The console still had Super Mario 64 in it. I knelt down and I felt another presence move swiftly across the room. I turned around to look; the apartment had become darker, like night had already settled in. It was only noon. She asked me what was wrong, I told her nothing and not to worry. "Just tired." I explained. Something was not right... it was like she was a completely different person entirely.

I turned on the Nintendo 64 with Mario still in it. Nothing came on, the screen just remained black. I tried it a few times... I wanted to see what came up when I started the game. It just refused to start. Finally, I took the game out and as I put the Ocarina of Time into the system, I could hear a voice saying something to me. It was like when you think to yourself, but it wasn't anything that came from my own thoughts. I remember it well: telling me to enjoy the game. "It's my favorite too." Unwillingly, I started the game.

I felt cold as a strong breeze passed through the room like a winter blast. A shiver went down my spine. My girlfriend sat next to me, very close to my side. The iconic title screen was skipped; it went straight to the file select screen. I had a file on the game that had everything finished, hearts, medallions, side quests, everything was done. It was gone, replaced by a file that didn't say Link, like I often used, but the name of the file was "Death". This made me feel even more uncomfortable than I had already been.

My girlfriend, being more adventurous than usual, told me to load the file. I put my thumb on the A button, but hesitated. I knew full well that I was in for more head games and I feared what may have come from it. She pushed the A button for me and looked at me with a devilish smile. "There you go." She told me. I focused my attention on the game.

I was greeted with child Link at the Sacred Forest Meadow, and at first, everything appeared normal; the hearts were all there and he held the Kokiri Sword and Deku Shield. The calm before the storm, I thought to myself. I began to look around the area and found nothing out of the ordinary except Saria, whom usually sat on the stump when you visit this area as a child, was missing from her place. I moved to the stump to examine it more when I heard a laugh come from the game. I turned Link around as fast as I could move my fingers. Standing in the center of the Sacred Forest Meadow was Ocarina of Time's antagonist, Ganondorf.

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