Chapter 26

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Oliver kneels down next to me and puts his hand on mine. I never thought of Oliver as a person possible of sympathy but I must have been wrong, as here he is, comforting me in my grief.

His hand moves closer to the knife I'm holding. Of course, he's not being caring. The bastard only wants the knife. He looks at me, "We have to deal with him or he'll turn." My eyes glare at him through my tears. How dare he. "How dare you think that you should be the one to do it." my grip on the knife tightens, he tries to take it from me now but I hold my ground. He brings my hand up to try and pull the knife closer to him but I pull back. I'm not as strong as Oliver and am forced to let go. The momentum of the knife causes Oliver's arm to jolt. The knife slices deep into my arm near my shoulder. I scream in pain as blood oozes from the cut.

The dead have reached our side street. Chris quickly takes action and honourably deals with Matt with his own knife before kneeing Oliver in the nose and then helping me up. He rips the bottom of his shirt off and ties it around my bleeding arm. He takes my hand and pulls me down the street just as the dead close in on us. I hear Oliver's screams as we run but I don't look back. The make-shift bandage quickly turns red, then blood runs down my arm.

We run. We run down one street then the next. My vision starts to blur and feet become clumsy. I have to slow down as the energy is taken from me. A few dead appear in our way, Chris deals with them, blood splattering all over us.

My feet start to fail me. I can't run anymore. Chris puts my arm over his shoulder and walks me forward. "Come on now Beth. We can do it. We're nearly there. Just round this corner." We turn the corner and I see it. I see the base. I can't help but smile. It's there, actually there. Only a short walk away. Not only have we made it but I see people walking inside the grounds beyond the wire fence. Actual people that are alive. It's a safe camp. I laugh from happiness and relief. "Once we're in there they can take care of your arm okay Beth? Clean you up so you don't look such a mess"

"Bet I still look better than you" I joke. He gives a small laugh as we hobble along.

The sound of a gun being fired rings in my ears. We stop instantly. I hear someone shout from the fence, "Dead ones out here" Chris lets go of me and walks a few steps forward, "We're not dead!" he waves his arms above his head, trying to signal to the man at the gate with the gun. Once he notices Chris he stops aiming the gun and goes to open the gate with some other men with guns.

"Chris..." I say weakly. He turns around to me, his smile quickly fades. "No. No, no, no, no" he says through tears as he walks back to me.

I hold my stomach as it starts to bleed from a gunshot wound. I collapse and fall to the floor but Chris catches me and holds me in his arms. I lay with my head on his lap, looking up at him. The blue sky behind him is starting to turn red as the day fades.

Chris cries as he holds me, "I can't lose you too. We're here Beth. We're here."

I reach up and hold his cheek, "I know Chris. You can be safe, at least one of us made it."

"No, you're not going to die, they can help you."

I smile up him, "You're the brother I never had. You're family to me, I love you. You've got to be strong now, okay?"

"Bethany no, don't say goodbye. Please..."

The sky turns into fire, reds, oranges and pinks fill what had been blue. I always loved winter sunsets. I'm glad I get to see one again. I can't feel the pain. All only feel happy. Happy that I know Chris will be safe, he will find others. Maybe even find my family.

"Chris..." I struggle to get the words out, I feel so weak, I can barely keep my eyes open. My arm falls from holding his cheek, I can't keep it up anymore. I smile at him one final time before slowly shutting my ey-

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