Chapter 10

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Then I hear the groans. Even near the back of the shop, I can hear them. They sound so close, too close. Ruby stands up and pulls me with her. I feel frozen with fear, everything is a blur. She drags me with her as she sprints, heading towards where Matt and Mabel had gone. My feet slip on something on the floor and I go flying forward and slide across the tiled floor. "Come on Beth, we can appreciate the floor later." Ruby grunts as she hauls me up. Oliver takes the lead now, but we stay hot on his heels.

Oliver nearly crashes into Matt as we round a corner. As we catch our breath Ruby attempts to explain but is shushed by Matt, he nods and points to Mabel who is scaling one of the food racks. Once she reaches the top she carefully stands up, wobbling slightly. Above her is a hatch that leads to the roof. This must be the only safe way out, though Melody isn't going to be pleased about standing on an unstable rack. Actually where are Melody and Chris?

Mabel hoists herself up onto the roof and give a thumbs up, signalling it's safe. Matt climbs his way up next, he nearly falls when he stands up. The groans become louder and I hear the breaking of glass. The dead must be walking inside. I starts to breath fast, where are they?

Ruby and Matt have now made her way up, they took my bag for me so it's easier for me to climb. Oliver gives me a boost up and I not so elegantly climb onto the top of the rack. Standing up I have to put my arms out to keep my balance. Looking up the hatch in the roof seems so far away. Ruby and Matt have their arms stretched out, ready to help me up. I try to reach for them but I can't reach, if I jump I could fall...

Out of the corner of my eye I see something moving. Hoping its Melody and Chris I turn to see what it is. A few aisles away the dead completely filling the space, I can barely see any of the floor. Oliver had already started to climb up the rack, causing me to wobble a bit. Once standing he lifts me up so I can grab Matt and Ruby's hands. With my legs dangling, they slowly lift me and I scramble to get onto the roof.

Oliver climbs out of the hatch shortly after me. I scramble to look through the hatch, searching for any sign of Chris and Melody. The groans are now louder than ever. Tears start to form in my eyes, "Come on, come on..." I will them to appear, hoping with all my heart that they'll make it.

A girl's scream pierces my ears, comes from inside the building. My eyes widen. No, they'll be fine. Only seconds later Chris skids around the corner, entering the aisle he holds Melody's hand and pulls her with him. Tears are streaming down her face, her eyes red and puffy. "Up here!" Ruby shouts, getting Chris's attention. He looks up and starts climbing up the rack. When he reaches the top and starts to help Melody up the hoard of dead appear at the other end of the aisle, now blocking them off from both ends. "Hurry!" I shout my voice cracks from the one word.

Chris gets Melody up the rack just in time, dead groan and scramble to get her feet. The rack shakes at the force of the dead pushes against it, trying to reach them on top.

They crawl the rest of the way to the hatch, not risking standing up. Chris reaches the hatch first, slowly he stands up, getting his balance before helping Melody stand too. I hear him whisper to her as he helps, "You'll be fine, I'm right here, I love you. You hear me?" she gives a small nod, her whole body shaking in fear.

Matt and Ruby reach out their arms like they did for me. Ruby begs Chris through tears, "Grab my hand!" Chris reaches up his hands as he's closest.

I watch in horror as the rack starts to topple over. The force of the dead pushing up against it finally becoming too much. Ruby and Matt grab Chris's arms and hold on with all their strength. I scream as the rack crashes to the floor, Melody tumbling down with it. Her screams and cries drowning out everything. Chris dangles in the air, only being held up by our friend's strength. He cries out as he watches the dead swarm over Melody.

Melody lies on her back as the dead rip and tare into her. Their hands scramble for the fresh meat. Some bite into her, some rip her apart. I can only watch in horror as she screams in agony. Her blood pouring and spraying out of her, she turns pale. Her screams become silent and her body becomes still. Her green eyes stay wide, frozen in her last moment of fear.

I freeze. Sobs come from me and tears stream down my face. I feel like I'm in a dream, it doesn't feel real. A horrible dream I can't wake up from.

A shout from Ruby snaps me back to reality, "CHRIS!" Chris has started to slip from Matt and Ruby's grip, he hangs only feet above the dead. Taking action I quickly grab onto his arms, helping to pull him up.

He slumps onto the roof and lies on his back. He covers his face with his hands and cries into them. I just sit there, staring at the hatch. Not sure what to do. I feel Ruby wrap her arms around me, her head resting on my shoulder. Her tears run down her face and drip onto my shirt.

We sit there, silently grieving together as we hug. No one says anything, all that can be heard are the groans from bellow and Chris' muffled sobs.

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