Chapter 8

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"Oliver? How..." My voice trails off, not knowing how to get my thoughts across. "Well you see, I swung my machete and plunged it into the freaks head. Now may we please exit the small room that stinks of shit from the corpse?" Sarcasm rings in his deep, masculine voice. Ignoring him I rush over to help Melody stand up and lead her back to the living room.

Chris meets us as we enter the lounge, giving Melody a massive hug. I leave them to it and walk over to Matt who's standing by the window keeping watch, "What was all the commotion about?" he asks as he stares out of the window. "One of the dead got into the house and nearly got Melody." Matt looks at me at this, his eyes filled with worry. "Luckily Oliver got there just in time" His eyes widen and his eyebrows rise at the mention of Oliver's name.

Before Matt can get a word in Ruby walks in with Oliver. Melody and Chris stop their hug and both look at him. Chris has the look of disgust etched across his face. "What the hell are you doing here?" Chris practically spits at him.

"Calm down there big boy, I just saved your girlfriend's life. I could've let her become a live meal, blood gushing everywhere over that pretty-" Oliver is cut short, Chris has grabbed his knife and rushes at Oliver, yelling at him. Just before Chris reaches him Ruby stands in the way causing Chris to come to an instant halt.

"He saved Melody's life and as much as I hate it, we owe him. So don't do anything stupid." Ruby warns Chris, a hand rested on his shoulder, calming him. Keeping an angry glare at Oliver, he lowers the knife.

Ruby sits Oliver down on one of the sofas, Melody, Chris and herself taking a seat on the other. Matt and I stay by the window, leaning against the wall. Ruby starts off the questioning, "How did you know we were in here and why come help?"

"Well for starters I've been following you from the school." His voice calm and collected as if he hadn't just admitted to stalking us. "In this world it's safer in numbers so I decided to check out and see if you were worth my time. When I decided that you could help me survive this I came inside the house when I heard someone shouting. When I found Melody with the dead with her I decided to gain your trust and help her. I knew you would never allow me to join you if I didn't." I stare at him in awe, how could he admit to all that and not bat an eye at it?

"Well tough shit but we still don't trust you." Chris scowls at him.

"Well as your dear friend here said," he smiles and winks at Ruby, "you owe me one. I'd like to check in that favour now please."

Ruby shows no amusement at his smart-ass attitude, "And what would that be?" Oliver leans back on the sofa, a large smirk on his face, "To join your group of course, I want to survive this shithole and make it to the RAF base."

Melody pipes up, she had been quiet and snuggled up to Chris, "How did you know we were going to the RAF base?"

"Well it's kind of an obvious plan, doesn't take a genius to come up with it." Chris fidgets, trying to retain his anger and stop himself from charging at Oliver. "Calm yourself Prince Charming." Oliver sniggers at his power, "So of course you will allow me to join your group." He directs this at Ruby. Her arms crossed she stares at Oliver, there's no way out of this. We can't say no, who knows what he'll do. "Fine, but we don't take orders from you, I hope that's clear. We look out for each other, help each other."

"Loud and clear sergeant." He gives a mocking salute in response.

"Quit with the smart-" Ruby is cut off by the shushing off Matt. A finger raised he stares out the window. Ruby quickly, but silently, walks over to Matt. As he lets her peek out the window, Matt steps to the side. Nearly as soon as she looks out she closes the curtain. Suddenly concerned I go to take a look. Before I can get close Ruby shakes her head violently.

Chris now standing, completely forgetting to be annoyed at Oliver, he mouths the words, how many? Ruby indicates with her hands that there's around twenty. They must have been drawn to the screams and shouts.

Ruby starts to order people to collect all our supplies up, Oliver included. All of us start packing up food, water and blankets into backpacks. Chris stands in the hallway, watching the front door carefully.

The groans of the dead appear outside the front of the house, right on the other side of the window. Everyone stops packing and stares at the drawn curtains. Not a sound comes from one of us. Instinctively, I cover my mouth with my hand, fearing that they can hear my breaths.

Quickly finishing packing the bags we each take a large backpack. I grab by bat, it shakes in my hands. I try to not show my fear, but I fail miserably.

Silently we all head for the back door, Ruby leading and Chris at the back. Walking through the narrow corridor we head for the back door to exit through the back garden. Melody's backpack hits a vase of dead flowers in front of me. Panicking I try to catch it before it smashes on the floor. My hands fumble and the vase slips through my hands and crashes to the floor. Everyone turns and stares at the broken vase. Wide eyed I stand completely still.

Loud groans sound outside the front door. Banging starts violently from the other side of the door. The door won't hold for long.

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