Chapter 4

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Once Matt and Chris managed to scramble their way up we walk over to the window that Melody and Ruby smashed. Setting down the bags on the gravel roof, we all peak over the edge trying to get a good view. From the window I can only see the dining area, not the actual kitchen where the food is kept. There is blood everywhere. Chairs and tables are covered in it. Broken glass covers the floor below, blood stains cover some of the shards. The chairs are scattered everywhere, it looks like there was a fight. "Do you think...?" I mutter to Chris. He stares at the crime scene bellow, "No, they're fine. I know it." I want to believe him, but I can only think the worst. So far this new virus has been unforgiving.

Matt grabs a stone from the roof and chucks it down through the window. The loud smash of it hitting the glass echoes in the room. Nothing appears. "What was that for?" I whisper at Matt. "They are attracted to noise and light, I was checking to see if it's safe to jump down. There's no point going head first and getting yourself killed." He answers matter-of-factly.

Chris grabs one of the large knives we found, exchanging it for his bat and jumps down. The glass crunches under his feet. He quickly scans the area before helping us both down. Matt takes another knife but I stick to my bat. The knife means you have to get close, whereas with the bat you can at least have some distance. If I even manage to not freak out at the dead like last time.

We stand in a circle, each watching each other's backs, surveying the large dining room. The whole room looks like a bomb has been dropped in it. Chairs scattered and blood everywhere. I try not to focus on the blood but keep my mind fixed on the door to the kitchen, that's where Melody and Ruby should be.

Together we move as group, jogging around the tables and over turned chairs. We do our best to stay as quiet as possible.

I hear a groan behind me, I whisk my head around and trip over one of the toppled chairs. I give out a small scream in shock as I hit the floor, letting go of my bat it rolls under the nearby table. I hear Chris mutter something as he gets Matt's attention and then a set of footsteps carry on jogging forward. "Come on Bethany, now is not the time to be clumsy." Chris says as he helps me up, he gets my bat from under the table and drags me to the kitchen door.

Matt is slamming himself into the door, trying to make it open. Melody and Ruby must have blocked it when they went in. Worried about the noise Matt's making attracting the dead I turn around. Oh shit... Walking through the double doors on the other side of the room is around twenty dead. I guess I did hear a groan then.

Chris joins Matt trying to push the door open. Finally the door flies open, making both of them stumble into the kitchen. The group of dead have made to window we came in from, we cut it pretty close.

I see a bat swing at Matt. I'm about to warn him when it hits him in the waist. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Matt! I thought you were one of them." I hear Melody's pleading voice from inside the room. When I enter I see her drop her bat and go to comfort him. She apologises constantly. Ruby and Chris quickly shut the door and block it back up with a small cabinet. "It's fine, don't worry about it." Matt says to stop Melody's fussing. "Did you find anything?" Chris asks Ruby, rubbing his shoulder which must be sore from bashing against the door. "A good haul actually, I'm guessing you found the knives." She points at the knife he's holding, "And an extra body?" looking at Matt.

"He saved my life." I say quietly. I feel useless, not even being able to stop one of them and panicking like that. Luckily Matt decides to leave that out, "She was cornered, good timing I guess." He holds his side, where he was hit with the bat.

Banging starts against the door. "Shit we're stuck." Ruby says biting her lip. "We checked the whole room before, there are no windows to the roof."

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