Chapter 19: Finally a Family

Start from the beginning

"I love you." I smile at the thought that there's nothing stopping us anymore. We're both still in school, but since it's summer we don't have to worry about classes until September. The attendant hands us two flutes of champagne before walking away.

"To the bride and groom." Travis says.

"To forever and always."

"Cheers." He says as we click our glasses and drink the bubbly drink.


"You are the most beautiful woman to walk the face of the earth." Travis says picking me up and spinning me around in a circle in the busy streets of Verona. "And I love you so much." He presses a kiss to my lips.

This is some crazy Romeo and Juliet story gone right. When Romeo and Juliet don't die, but get to spend their lives together. I can't say much for his parents, but mine definitely didn't approve of Travis once they found out about his addictions which he has now been free of for 3 years. It was hard, but getting  away from his parents, and the help of his friends, and being in a coma for a while definitely helped him.

"Then you are the most handsome man to ever walk the earth." I answer him as he laces our fingers together.

"I love you Mrs. Maxwell."

"I love you two Mr. Maxwell." We both smile like lovesick puppies, but for once in my life it was going my way.

Ring. My phone begins to go off a number flashes on the screen. 418.555.6743. I decline it in favor of spending time with the only important man in the continent.

"What should we do?" I ask him, "There are so many places to go, things to see. It's amazing."

"We've got three months, let's do it all." He says. He walks to one of the bakeries and opens the door for me.

"Good morning." The man behind the counter says.

"Good morning." Travis greets taking my hand running his thumb over my ring. "Two pieces of your best bread." He says. The man smiles happily as he pulls out a loaf. Travis turn to look at me resting his forehead against my head. I turn to look at him pressing a soft chaste kiss to his lips.

"Here you are Signore," The man says.

"Thank you so much." I tell him as Travis reaches for his wallet.

"On me." He says pointing to himself.

"Thank you Sir." Travis says putting some money into the tip jar. He picks up both pieces and hands one to me. Once we're outside he lets me take a bite of his and I do the same for him. We stand outside the bakery smiling like idiots eating bread like it's some foreign delicacy, but savoring every moment together. Everyone walks by as we continue feeding each other the bread smiling at each other. Finally we finish and Travis brushes a few crumbs from my lips. I turn to check the name of the Bakery only to see it packed with customers lining up outside the door.

"Were they that busy when we went inside?" I ask him.

"Was bread good?" One of the people ask, a heavy accent to their voice.

"The bread was amazing." I answer as Travis takes my and and kisses the back of it before we start walking again, we stop inside every food shop asking for the best we'd stop to eat outside the shop usually ending up with us feeding it to each other, and then continue going through Verona.

"Signore, Signore Signora, ti dispiacerebbe me prendere la tua foto? Per favore." A man asks as we walk past him. Travis and I look at him curiously.

"He wants to know if he can take your picture." A man, about our age translates.

"Why?" Travis answers slowly wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me into him away from both men.

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