Chapter 4 Spiked Confusion

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I catch her as soon as she falls off the stool. I scoop her up easily and walk out of the bar handing the valet Travis's card for his keys. The valet gives me a peculiar look. I give him a look and he hurries off and comes back moments later with Travis' car, which he bought on his own just so he and Adriana could hang out. He hardly rides his Harley, now that he and Adriana hang out almost regularly. Although he still won't stop wearing his leather jacket to school and when we all hang out.

I put Adriana in the back seat buckling her up to the best of my capability and get in to drive. "Where can I go?" I ask myself out loud. I begin taking her to the apartment complex the only place I know to go. Chris would be there with the boys, they could help me figure out what's wrong. Half way there I think about the hospital. I take the right turn to the hospital and continue driving. The traffic is slowed by flashing blue lights ahead. Every driver gets out of the car for a DUI check. This is the last thing I need right now.

"License and registration." The officer says after I roll down my window. I get my license from my pocket and shuffle through Travis' parents glove compartment for the registration. Finally finding it. "These aren't in your name Son."

"I know officer, my friend got drunk and my friends took him home. I was taking his girlfriend to the hospital, her drink got spiked." I tell the officer.

"Step out of the car please." He says backing up. I do so casting a weary glance at Adriana. "How old are you Son?"

"18." I tell him, "We were in a back room of the club, no alcohol, someone from the outside got a hold of her drink and spiked it." I tell him.

"Walk heel to toe for me on the line." He says. I do so without tripping up. "This is a breathalyzer, breath please." I breath and don't look at the test. "You're not drunk. Where's this girlfriend of your friend's."

"In the back seat." I tell the officer.

He opens the back seat and takes her vitals. "We can take her to the hospital," He offers.

"I'm almost there, I promised my friend I'd take care of her." I tell him.

"We'll give you an escort then." He says. "Just follow us," He says. He climbs back into the passenger seat. It takes some time, but eventually the cop car starts up and the police car's hazards go on and I follow them to the hospital. The officer offers to take Adriana inside, but I decline taking her in my arms and carrying her inside. I walk to the desk and the receptionist makes me fill out about half a dozen sheets of paperwork before I can even get them to take her. I lay her on the couch with her head in my lap as I fill out the paper work on the arm of the couch.

"Excuse me, could you move her, she's taking up sitting space for the other visitors." A person in a hospital uniform has the audacity to ask me.

"Where do you expect her to go, on the floor?" I retort. "She's sick, and unconscious. All this blasted paperwork is keeping the doctors from seeing her." I continue. The person recoils fearfully.

"Sir," A man in suit comes up to me, "Is there a problem?" A stethoscope hangs around his neck. "Why hasn't this girl been tended to?" He asks the hospital employee. "Room five, Orderly." He calls, a gurney is brought out and I stand to follow. The man in the suit stops me outside the door. "What's your relation to the patient?" He asks me.

"Friend." I tell him, he nods and begins to walk in after the orderly, I stop him, "Her drink was spiked at the club." He nods and walks in. I'm left in the hall to finish the paperwork.

Name: Carlton, Adriana Brianna

Date of Birth: December 18

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