Chilled Legacy XIV

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A/N: Hello!
As stated previously in the last chapter :
this is a Frozen/HP crossover (duh). Though I don't actually include any of the frozen characters (duh again), there are-especially in this chapter-several references to Frozen's symbolism. I just feel there were many things in Frozen that could've aided the plot that weren't used (also a bit more explanation of the origin of the powers/curse would've been nice) so I am purposely using them here.
This includes song lyrics used in the movie.

Anyway, I was going to update when the next chapter was just about finished, but it's been a while, and the next chapter is half done. It shouldn't be too long a wait depending on how many assignments I have to finish. A week or so maybe?

Hope you enjoy!


Chilled Legacy XIV

It was a small battle, but one he was determined to win.
He'd failed at manipulating Potter.
He'd failed a befriending Potter.
He'd failed at keeping his powers a secret.
And he'd failed at not being a failure.

The least he could do was go to the ball and be normal for one night. If that's all it took prove to Astoria that he somewhat cared about their relationship during his numb state, then the utter absurdity of mask shopping was worth it.
Of course, that wasn't even the worst of it. Draco Malfoy couldn't simply show up to a ball and come out alive. For this reason, it wouldn't be Draco Malfoy attending the ball.

Their first stop was Galdrags Wizardwear. He Luna and Neville were greeted by the same gruff lady that had sold him the gloves. She gave one perplexed glance at his hands then looked out the glass door to verify that it was indeed sunny outside.
Things became slightly more awkward when Draco asked for a second pair. These were rainwater blue and silky, fitting loosely in his hand.
A brief image of them falling off and getting swept away by careless dancers entered his mind. Still, he bought them anyway. As long as he didn't start flailing his arms in the air like a falling bird, he'd be fine. Not the design he had in mind, but it was either that or neon pink.

"They match your eyes," Luna said approvingly. "And mine—we have the same eye and hair color, haven't you noticed?"

Draco looked at hers, then at the mirror. Luna's were brighter somehow, slightly silver. His looked more like faded concrete.

Draco smiled anyway. "Guess you could pass for my sister."

"I never did like being an only child," Luna said seriously. "We could be related somewhere along that pureblooded mess of a lineage, so maybe I am."

Draco laughed for the first time today and turned to the party section of the rack. "I only came to buy a mask, not adopt a sister. I don't share my toys, Lovegood."

He picked out a jet black mask that—apart from the eyes—covered everything but the mouth and a small part of the forehead. It was sharp around the edges, reminding him of a crow's beak.

Neville, who went with a simple golden mask that covered just the rims of his eyes, eyed Draco's mask strangely.

"What is it?"

"It's a bit dark. I thought you'd get the silver knight look. That's what most everyone with decent money is getting anyway."

"Dark is perfect."

Luna didn't get anything. She'd made her own mask weeks before the ball, and Draco was practicing the best polite reaction he could when he saw it on her tonight.
He paid for Neville's mask, still feeling partially guilty for last night's disaster. Luna and Neville had to practically drag a corpse to the infirmary the next morning and convince every nosey interrogator that it was the flu.
McGonagall didn't look like she bought it, but was too busy with last minute ball preparations to investigate further. Madam Pomfrey had been the wiser and gave him a potion to cure the hangover. Whether she told Slughorn or any of the other teachers wasn't clear yet. They'd left the castle not long after that. For all he knew, the teachers could be plotting a year's worth of detention while he stood here playing dress up with the silver duo.
Everyone had been giving the group weird looks, but that probably wasn't attributed to last night.

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