Chilled Legacy II

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Well, I don't have much else to say other than I hope you enjoy this chapter. I will answer reviews in the bottom Author's note :)

P.S: This chapter is not beta edited yet. This note will be removed once it is. I did my best, and I sure hope I didn't let any errors slip.


Chilled Legacy II

"Harry?" Ron called. "Harry! Wake up!"

Harry pulled the covers over his head. "No. Shut up. I don't wanna go to school."

" dropped out of Hogwarts with me. Bloody idiot."

Ron shook him. "Wake up, you're at the burrow."

Slowly, Harry came to his senses.

"Did you really hate school that much?" Ron laughed.

The teen sat up. His voice was raspy when he spoke. "No. The rock monsters, they told me to go back."

"The what?"

Harry only realized how ridiculous those words sounded when they left his lips.
"You were tossing and turning," Ron told him.

Harry nodded. "I think I've slept enough for one day."

"Mom and dad want to talk to us. They received a letter from the headmaster."

"Letter?" Harry mumbled. "Did we do something wrong?"

"Other than drop out? Dunno." Ron twisted his head slightly to the side, motioning for Harry to go with him.

Harry stood up and followed Ron into the kitchen.
Mr. Weasley sat at the table, his forehead lined with worry while Mrs. Weasley paced around the kitchen, coming to a halt when the two boys walked in. Whatever was in McGonagall's letter must not be good.

A million thoughts flashed through Harry's mind like a blurry picture show. Most ideas of what was happening involved trouble with Voldemort or Death Eaters. He wondered if the acceptance of Voldemort's death would ever truly penetrate his thoughts.

Mrs. Weasley smiled at the two, removing all concern from her face in their presence.

"The headmistress is coming over." Mr. Weasley told them. "She wishes to speak with both of you."

"About what?" Harry asked.

Maybe she wanted them to finish the school year. After all, she had grown to care for Harry and Ron given all they've been through together. In her mind, saving the wizarding world had never been a good enough excuse for dropping out. He relaxed slightly, savoring the possibility that this may not involve war related matters.
However, the Weasleys' expression left the doubt lingering in the air.

Mrs. Weasley patted Harry's back. "She wasn't too clear, but something involving Hogwarts. I'm sure there's no need to worry."

"When will she be here?"

The fire place crackled loudly.

Mr. Weasley signaled for them to go to the living room. "Now."

The thin wise woman smiled at the family.

"Minevra," Arthur gestured to the chair kindly. "Please, take seat."

"I'll go make some tea,"Mrs. Weasley excused herself.

Harry sat across from her, anxiously waiting for the small talk to be over.
Lucky for him, the professor was in quite the hurry. She gave short, dismissive answers to most of Mr. Weasley's questions.

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