Chapter Thirteen~ Snuff Can Suck It

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((Here is the final chapter of 'The Countdown'! I hope you like it. Thank you so much for reading my first complete story.))

I was almost running when we reached my street. I sped up the stairs and flung open the door, ready to be greeted by hugs and tears.
The house was empty.

Nothing was broken, but I couldn't shake the sick feeling in my stomach. Maybe they had gone to find me, or to a grief counselor, but that didn't seem right. Abby and I climbed the stairs in silence. I pushed open the door to my parents room. Nothing was out of place, except the pillow on Mom's side of the bed was crooked. I walked over to it. stuffed underneath was the book I knew Mom had been reading. I picked it up and noticed one of the pages had been dogeared. that was odd. Mom had often scolded me for creasing my pages. Not really thinking I flipped the the folded page. in the margin something was written. The handwriting was sloppy but several letters my mom's scrawl. Clearly she had been in a rush when she wrote this.

the man says you're alive. I can hardly hope but if you are, if you somehow are reading this, they're mad, and they're coming for you. run. leave the house and don't let them catch you. Take Abigail. I know she'd be with you. Don't look for us. You're father and I will be fine. Just run!
Remember I love you.

My stomach felt like lead. what could have happened to them?

"Cwatch." I said, voice shaking, "find Mom and Dad."

"Sorry, Jamie. I can't pinpoint a location for Mom and Dad."

"let me try." Abigail's voice was small. she had been reading over my shoulder. "Cwatch. Search Catherine and Timothy Everhart."
Abigail's Cwatch glowed with recognition.

"'Timothy and Catherine Everhart were taken into custody for theft of dangerous Immortal Child James Everhart. Although the boy is now known to be fifteen he was only recently discovered to be an Immortal Child. Clearly when notified that their baby was dangerous, Catherine and Timothy stole him. The location of this dangerous boy is unknown. Anyone with information on James's whereabouts is asked to come forward at once. Anyone caught aiding the Immortal Child will be treated equally guilty.'As said on today's news."

Abigail and I stared at each other.

Immortal child? I had been just seconds from death!

My parents.... They were at the mercy of the law, because of me. I was on the brink of a total meltdown when I heard a familiar creak of the front door.

I unshared Abby to my room, all too aware of the thump thump thump of heavy booted feet growing louder, as they marched around my home.

With a grunt that made me freeze In fear that someone had heard I pushed open my window. Without thinking i shimmied out onto the ledge.

Abigail joined me, sliding the window shut. It was a six foot drop to the ground. It may not have been that high, but the idea of freefall made my stomach churn.

I had to choose between the fall, or the man inside. Closing my eyes I stepped off the ledge.
The fall was over in a matter of seconds. The wind whirled in my short hair and my stomach skyrocketed, filling me with adrenaline.

A jolt of pain shot threw my legs when I hit the ground. surprisingly I managed to land on my feet.

Agile Abigail landed not seconds after and we both dived into the nearest bush.

We waited for what seemed like an eternity, but eventually I heard the front door slam shut.
A long black limo drove silently away.

In the back seat window I spotted a face I had seen hundreds of times before, at the hospital, at school, never before did I have a name for the countless portraits I passed, but it was clear who he was.

Peering through through the limousine's window was none other than Richard Maddison Snuff.

((Well, that's the end! I really hope you liked it and I'm grateful you stuck with Jamie until the end. I might write a sequel, but for now that's it. I can't tell you how thankful I am that you took the time to read my first completed story!))

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