Chapter Eleven~ I Play Chicken with a Cop

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Getting out of the clock room was the easy part.

We had left the combination door unlocked so we slipped through silently. We both walked as if in a daze, both lost in thought, contemplating the next challenge ahead of us. There wasn't a guard in sight, but that was the least of our worries.

The window we had entered was sealed. Abigail's jacket was gone.

We managed to avoid being caught by the camera, but it wouldn't have really mattered. Someone knew we were here, and they would certainly come looking.

Adrenaline pumping, we ran, desperate to find some other way out. We were stuck in a labyrinth. Mice scrambling in a maze, searching for a prize that gave off no scent. Abby stopped abruptly.

"All the windows are sealed." She said in a tight voice. "The front door. It's our only hope."

"But we'll be caught!" I protested. "There's no way we won't be seen!"

"I know! I know!" Abigail hated not being able to figure something out. "But what choice do we have?"

I nodded grimly. We didn't have a choice.
We found the main entrance quick enough. Indeed the door was open.

Poking my head around the corner I spotted the security guard from earlier.

He held Abby's coat, and spoke to a man in a blue uniform.

A police officer.

Instinctively I ducked back, slinking down against the wall. Abigail seemed ready to move, but i shook my head until she settled down beside me.

"I've checked everywhere, Officer." Spoke a gruff voice. Definitely the guard. "Anywhere possibly accessible has been searched."

"Well Mr. Timons, I really don't know what to tell you then." The police man's voice was smoother, and almost bored sounding. "I'll take note of the break in, and do some basic tests on the jacket, but I don't think there's much to worry about. It was probably a dare or something. things like this happen all the time."

I heard the Officer's steps draw to toward the exit. We'd make our escape once he left.

"Wait!" Exclaimed the guard, before the officer had taken some much as four steps. the policeman stopped walking, and my stomach sank. "You can't leave! I have valuable stuff here! I'll lose my job if these kids aren't caught!"

Reluctantly the officer returned.

"If you lose your job I'm quite sure this isn't the only reason." he said sarcastically. "But I can do a basic search of the building."

No! Abby met my eyes.

I knew what she was thinking. She had that crazy look she got whenever she was about to so something she called daring and i called stupid.

"No!" I mouthed. Abigail ignored me. She stood slowly, "NO!"

Abigail walk slowly and carefully towards the middle of the main room, eyes fixed on the door. Abby was an awesome actress but I could see right threw her fake stealth. Abby would have had a pretty good chance of sneaking past the two uniformed men. It was completely unbelievable that she so happened to stumble, letting out a loud gasp.

The cop whirled around.

Abigail froze, giving a brilliant deer in the headlights impression, Then bolted for the door, running just a little slower than usual. The cop caught her easily.

"Run! Go!" She shrieked. I hesitated. "Go!!" The guard started towards me and I ran, he gave chase until Abby, who was still grappling with the policeman, gave him a nice kick in the gut.

She flailed wildly, bucking and twisting like a fish out of water. Her ski mask flew off, revealing her pale face and tangled blonde hair. They had to work together to restrain her, giving me a free run to the double doors. I was home free. I raced into the cool morning air when I heard a scream from behind me.

Abby had broken free only slightly, and was still kicking, but the cop had managed to pull out his night stick.

He swung it at Abigail's head. She only just managed to duck out of the way. The officer tried again. This time he caught the side of her face.

Abby screamed. The stick connected with a sickening smack.

abigail's cheek was flaming red and blood spurted from her split lips. She looked shaken and stunned, but managed to maintain consciousness.

The guard grabbed her around to middle and she was lifted from the ground. Abby flailed wildly, desperately swinging her legs in every direction.

I turned on my heals, hustling back to the city hall building.

Fighting, and fitness in general was Abby's domain, but somehow I managed to land a pretty powerful kick to the cop's side.

Abby screamed again as the guard kneed her ribs. She flung herself randomly and elbowed his chest.

He emitted a large oof.

I kicked the cop again, thankful that my identity still remained a secret.

I took a step back, pulling my clock from my pocket.

"Stop!" I called shakily.

Surprisingly they all faced me. I held up my clock.

The guard's eyes widened as he saw what was in my grasp.

I tried to steady my voice, "Let her go, or I step on it!"

Terror passed over the guard's face. "Come on kid. Hand it over. You don't know what you're messing with."

"Yes I do." I replied. "You let my friend go, or we see if the conspirators are right. Can a clock truly be used as a deadly bomb? I guess we'll find out soon enough."

The guard dropped Abby , and she crumpled.
Weakly, she rose and inched toward me. Her cheek was a disturbing purple, and her left eye was swollen shut.

Slowly I backed away, keeping my hand on Abigail's shoulder.

"Give it here!" Ordered the cop. He came forward and I raised the clock threateningly. He looked distraught.

If he attacked I could crush my clock, or he would risk damaging it himself.

I reached the door and grabbed Abby's shoulder. I ran, dragging her behind me.

the policeman didn't pursue, instead i heard him shouting orders into what i assumed was his Cwatch judging my the robotic voice that replied.

I couldn't make out what he was saying, but i managed to catch the words "Clock! Boy! Injured girl!"

I was thankful Abigail was usually much faster than me because otherwise she never would have been able to keep up. Even injured she remained right at my heels.

We reached the edge of the forest and I plowed ahead, run face first into pines trees and bushes. Still, we ran.

I could feel my clock's temperature rising in my pocket.

((This story's almost done! Just two more chapters. Thank you so much to everyone who's been reading it. Any predictions?))

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