Chapter 9 : Sweet Summer Nights and Chilling Morning Blues

Start from the beginning

"P'Arthit? Is everything okay?"

Kongpob's voice sounded so far off, Arthit could only hear the water rushing past his ear. A moment later he heard Kongpob's worried voice again followed by the sound of his door being broken.

Kongpob lifted him out of the shower, Arthit's legs felt like jelly and he leaned heavily on him. Kongpob wrapped him in a towel, guiding his shivering body out of the bathroom.

Kongpob knelt in front of him after making him sit down on the bed. His voice sounded panicky as he towelled off Arthit's wet hair.

"What's wrong, P'? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

At this Arthit's mind was broken out of its haze. His voice was loud in the silence enveloping the apartment.

"No! No, I'm okay - don't take me anywhere."

Kongpob cupped his face in his hands, trying to gain his attention. Arthit stared right into his earnest eyes.

"What's wrong, then? Please tell me, P'."

Arthit put his hands over Kongpob's on his face. His voice trembled.

"Whenever I close my eyes, I'm back there - I keep seeing him -"

Kongpob looked like he could cry.

"Close your eyes, P'"

"No, I don't want to."

"Please trust me. Close your eyes."

Arthit's eyelashes fluttered as he closed his eyes. He felt a ghost of a kiss on his forehead, followed by a whisper.

"I won't let anything happen to you, P'Arthit."

He felt Kongpob deposit a set of clothes on his lap, he opened his eyes to find Kongpob had his back to him giving him privacy. Arthit slipped into his clothes, Kongpob took the wet towels and put them outside to dry.

Arthit got under the covers watching Kongpob lock the briefcase and put it away before laying down on Arthit's couch. He looked over at Arthit.

"Try to go to sleep, P'. I'm right here."

Arthit told himself that what he was feeling wasn't disappointment. He craned his neck till he could see Kongpob's face.


Sleep was eluding Arthit, he tossed and turned countless times. Kongpob was asleep, his leg was dangling from one end of the couch, he was too tall. Arthit's phone buzzed, Bright had sent him a picture of two girls followed by the message Which one?

Arthit frowned retorting with a 'You're sick' before switching his phone off. He may have slammed his phone on the bedside table a tad too loudly. Before he knew it, Kongpob's eyes had opened staring right at him.

Kongpob's sleepy voice made him feel guilty.

"Can't sleep, P'?"


Kongpob shuffled over to him, prodding him on the side before sitting down on the bed next to him. He felt him push the strands of hair falling on his face away. The last time anyone had touched him so gently had been his mother, as a child.



"Why are you doing this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

Kongpob's hands ruffled his hair, gently massaging his head.

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