Waiting here for you

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Note: so I have a few more chapters of this done, so it won't be a year till I update, which i'm so sorry about, I just wasn't feeling it. Also about my other fic if you follow it, I'm still having a hard time making a decision on some thing's, so I need a little more time for that. But hope you enjoy, and love comments (good or bad)


Waverly was throwing up again, and wynonna was the one there for her not Nicole.

Nicole who hadn't spoke or even texted her in two weeks.

Such a fucking idiot Waverly thought.

She had dreams.

Dreams that Nicole and Waverly had their first Christmas together with their new baby. Dreams that Nicole came home to her and little Waverly after work and kiss her hello. Not Champ's baby. Nicole's. Despite the DNA

Along with the throwing up she also felt like a pig, she could not stop eating, and it made her more and more self conscious especially with no one to say she was still beautiful.

And god Nicole wished everytime she saw Waverly dismiss her that she could just run up and hug her and tell her how beautiful she looks.

She was glowing, but she looked exhausted, and it was heart breaking.


Nicole had been to work, working over shift with Nedley yet again over her shoulder telling her to go home.

She heard from Wynonna that Champ was informed of the baby, and that just made her anger get worst.

She was forced for the 2nd week since the breakup with Waverly to go to the gym to get all the fustration out.

Secretly wishing the punching bag was Champs face.

She had got an "I miss you" text earlier in the week, and after she didnt text back, Waverly hadn't tried again.

It's for her own good Nicole told herself.

Wynonna was sitting patiently on the table, watching as her sister kept pacing the hall, file in hand, with such a lost look in here eye

"Waverly for gods sake, stop working, you're stressing yourself out" Wynonna raised her voice, now extremely worried about her sister.

When Waverly had told Wynonna about the baby she was utterly suprised, to the point she couldn't speak, she just stared until Waverly walked off.

On one hand she thought about how stupid Waverly was to let Champ have sex with her without a condom.

But then she thought about Champ. The chump that practically forced Waverly to scratch his itches whenever he wanted.

And that's why Wynonna thinks she's so deeply in love with Nicole. Shit. If she was gay, she'd probably fall for Nicole as well.

But she was stupid. Leaving Waverly like that. Crying like that everyday.

Wynonna has also noticed though. Nicole's head was in a bunch of cases trying to distract her from the heartache, and she noticed it looked like she barely has any sleep.

But it wasn't her concern, her concern was for Waverly and her only, and to get her fit enough that she could have a healthy baby boy or girl.

"You have your scan today" Wynonna announced.

" I'm aware" waverly mumbled, keeping her eyes glued on the information.

"Soo... do you want me to come with you or have you got someone to go with?"

"I've got it under control" Waverly simply said


"Wynonna I said I've got it under control Okay?!" She said through gritted teeth looking up to her sister.

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