29. Restless Nights and Vampires

Start from the beginning

  "Damon," Stefan calls, pulling me into the conversation.

  I stiffen as his voice intrudes into my thoughts, bringing me into the present. I stand up straighter, even as I continue to lean against the wall, attempting to compose myself. Clenching my jaw, blocking any emotion from my face, I tear my gaze from the fire where I had been staring up until this point.

  Finally, taking in the rest of the room, I am a bit taken aback to see most eyes on me. The only one who looks away is Leo, who doesn't seem the least bit interested. He has his back turned to me, also losing himself in the flickering flames.

  Zeke, his face half covered in shadow, glares at me with hard eyes. He trembles, either from cold or emotion I am unsure. He looks to be relaxed enough as he sits cross-legged near the fire, but his breathing and heart rate give away how anxious he truly is.

  "Are you even listening?" Stefan continues, his mouth set with disapproval as he looks back at me.

 He and Elena both sit perched on the edge of their cushions, the couch still sitting randomly in the center of the room where it had last been pushed to. Elena watches me closely, seeming more curious than judgmental. I resist the urge to lash out at them, to wipe the looks right off their faces.

  The room is tense, has been since the moment I discovered Nereza hurt. Everyone on edge, everyone with a different opinion on how to handle the situation. I could hear the murmurs of their voices as they discussed the day's events, comparing notes between the two attacks. I even managed to pick up a few words, a few harsh tones thrown at one another. In truth however, I have not been listening to anything they had to say.

  "How could I not?" I grumble, running a hand through my hair as I glance up toward where Nereza lays.

  Elena's eyes soften as she too looks up, knowing that I am referring to Nereza rather than their conversation.

  "We can't do anything to help her, unless we know what's going on." She sighs, returning her gaze to me with wide, pleading eyes.

  I know her words to be true, but my heart ignores her reasoning. I try to hold on to my senses, but my mind is clouded by emotion with ever faint sob that reaches me. My skin prickles with the need for action, with the need to save her.

  "Not that we are figuring anything out." Leo states, his voice hard and emotionless.

  My attention snaps to him, annoyance flashing within me at the sound of his voice. I do not like this man, and my urge to show him so grows stronger by the moment. So many times he has stepped over the line, dangerously close to having his throat ripped out. I managed to control myself when he got too close to Nereza, but I might just lose it if he dares suggest her harm one more time.

  "Well, you're not being very helpful." Zeke snaps, sliding his glare to the man beside him.

  "What do you want," Leo retorts, not even sparing a glance, "all we are doing is sitting and talking!"

  "Do you just want to run around half-cocked?" Elena challenges, any hint of sympathy now lost from her voice.

  "I want to put an end to this!" He roars, violently turning around with a glower. The flames beside him cast shadows to dance across his face, making it look as if evil is consuming him.

  "That's what we are trying to do." Stefan answers, taking obvious effort to keep his voice calm.

  "No," Leo bellows, waving his arm at us in dismissal, "ending this would be finding the goddamn key!"

  "What do you think we are trying to do?" I growl through clenched teeth.

  "Well, you're just sitting there pouting over your infected girlfriend." He jibes, tossing an annoyed look towards me.

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