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I woke up confused, I looked around my room still half asleep and saw a pair of shoes and a jacket and a t-shirt that belonged to a guy, I scrunch my eyebrows together trying to think who they belong to, I stretched my arms trying to fully wake up when I hit something... more like someone "ouch, what was that for E?" Shawn says in the Most sexiest morning voice I've ever heard. I got scared and fell out of bed "ah shit" I mumble and I realized I was wearing an oversized tshirt and no shorts "we didn't do anything, you fell asleep and I was to tired to drive home so I laid down" shawn replies as if he knew what I was thinking "okay" i smile and get up "breakfast?" I ask "mmm yes please i miss your cooking..." he takes a pause "muffins?" I smile and shake my head "how can I forget" I say as I walk out of my room. As I walked down the hall I stopped at my mirror and sigh "it's worse now... they're more noticeable..." I think to myself.

*magical time skip to when they finish eating & ellise was finishing getting ready*

"Ughhhh" I groan as I try to cover my bruise with makeup "what's up with you grumpy pants" Shawn jokes as he walks into my room "they won't go away, you can still see them" I mumble "they're less noticeable" Shawn pauses taking my foundation away "you don't need a lot of makeup... or any at all.." he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and slowly leans in "um we should get going" I say breaking the moment we had 'he was going to kiss me' I think to myself. He cleared his throat "um yea my place right?.. do you want to tell the guys today?" He asks, I nod but continue with "I said I would do it when I'm ready please don't rush me, it's not as easy as you might think" and look up at him "yes it is, just do it like you told me Mikey and Bryce yesterday" he said slightly raising his voice "no It isn't Shawn" I say reaching for his hand " yes it is, just tell them the truth!" He said much louder which caused me me to flinch "I'm sorry E, I didn't mean to get mad" I nod "you go in your car and I'll go in mine I need time to think" I say no longer looking at him "but- ugh never mind see you there" he says and walks out. I sigh and sit on the floor for awhile before I decide to go over to the guys house. I drive to their house not knowing what to expect as soon as I arrive I knock on the door and Matt answers "Ellise what's up" I thought about what Shawn said I had to tell them "hello" Matt says waving his hand in front of my face "oh sorry I'm I have to talk to you guys all of you" I say "okay come in" he moves so I can walk in "yo guys come to the living room" he yells and soon everyone walks to the living room. "What's up?" G questions "Ellise wants to tell us something" Matt says and Shawn looks at me like 'are you sure you're going to do this?' I nod "you can tell us whenever you're ready" I heard Johnson say "okay um before I know what happens I would like to apologize for what I'm about to say and I feel terrible for doing and keeping this" I say and everyone looks confused except cam and shawn "Lexie isn't dead" again everyone looks at me like I have a sharks head "but that's not possible she overdosed" Matt says "I'm Lexie" I say "no you aren't" carter says "I had a feeling you would say that" I take out my camera and connect it to the tv and play my last recorded video. They all looked surprised and Matt just came up to me and hugged me "don't you ever do that again! Don't you ever leave me again" he says hugging me tighter I wince in pain "sorry" he says and let's go of me "that's why you had her phone when we first met, I should've known when i put in her password... I took all your pictures and our numbers away I feel so bad" carter says "it's fine" I say "no it's not we found out you had her phone and we pushed you away instead of letting you explain yourself" Hayes said " why?" Johnson asks "I didn't want everyone thinking I was using you guys to be famous, I wanted to prove myself that I wasn't overshadowed by being matts sister" I say "you didn't have to get a full on transformation" G says "Lexie-" Aaron says but I interrupt him "my name is ellise" I say "no it's not" Matt says "Matt this isnt the the first time I was introducing myself, but it is I'm ellise espinosa gitas I'm no longer Lexie Anastasia Espinosa mom changed my name" I say he just nodded "well um that's all I had to tell you guys I should go" I say and start walking to the door "don't leave, not yet" Matt says and hugs me I smile and nod "okay" i say. "Wait so Cameron knew" g says "that's why he kissed you" Johnson finishes. I nod "yea that's why" I say and didn't realize I was crying "hey, hey it's okay we aren't mad we're happy, when we thought you were dead we all felt different" he wipes my tears "you made us closer than ever" Matt finishes saying. I realized I had makeup on and Matt probably rubbed it off "get me a wet napkin" he mumbles and carter hands him the napkin and he starts wiping my makeup off "who did this? Did Shawn know? Cuz g said he saw Shawn was talking to you outside... and he never came home.. are you guys?" Matt questions "m-my boyfriend john" I was interrupted "I thought you guys broke up the night before" G says "you know what he looks like?" Matt questions G nods " Shawn knew... I told him everything yesterday no we aren't together" I look down "do you want to be?" Cam asks I look up at him then at Shawn then at Matt "I-I don't know"

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