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As I started looking for matt I realized he wasn't here. I walk to the living room and sat down between Johnson and Gilinsky, I felt everyone starring at me, "you don't know who we are?" Hayes said. "No. I just knew who the jacks and matt where. Oh and I know who Shawn is." "Did you know about Magcon?" Carter asked "I've heard of it. I knew matt was in it" i shrug "so you aren't like those crazed fan girls?" Nash said "if I was one of this 'crazed fan girls' don't you think I would be all over the jacks or Matt?!" I said kind of getting annoyed. "Well damn little girl got some attitude" Taylor said then winked. I scoffed and said "Okay so? I barely know who you guys are and you don't know anything about me" Shawn, Johnson, and Gilinsky are starring at me. "I don't need thi-" I was cut off by matt walking through the door "oh looks like you all met already" he said "hardly" I said then rolled my eyes. "Well what ever, this is yours mom made me get it for you" he handed me a brand new rose gold iPhone 7 "l-l don't need this." I said handing it back to him "yes you do. Since you're living with us and are going to be seen with us a lot things might get crazy and it's just in case you get lost or something" matt gave it back to me. " my number, moms, dads, Ryan's, Dillion's, and Kirsten's are in there. I also downloaded twitter, Instagram, snapchat, YouTube and Spotify" "thanks" I said "you don't have an account for anyone of them?" Matt asked "nope." I said "how do you survive without any of these apps?" Taylor said "the same way I survived without knowing you" I said back and you heard 'ooohs' and 'burned' in the background "I do have a vine though" I stood up and walked to the kitchen thinking I was alone I started singing lightly. "You have an amazing voice Lex" Shawn said making me jump "sorry didn't mean to scare you but seriously you have a great voice does anyone know you sing?" he chuckled "no. I'm not that good so I don't really do it." I said "are you kidding me your voice is amazing!" Shawn said. "Keep your voice down. I don't need anyone else knowing-" I was cut off by Gilinsky "knowing what?" He looked at me then Shawn "wait" he starts eyeing me and Shawn "are you guys a thing?" My eyes widen "no" "oh okay what don't you want anyone knowing?" G asked "n-nothing" "that she can sing" Shawn mumbled "you sing? Can I hear?" G said excitedly "no. I'm not good" I say then walk back to the living room. "So Lexie" matt said and I mentally rolled my eyes "this is Taylor, carter, Aaron, Cameron, Nash, Hayes. Nash's little brother, oh and there's Mahogany but we call her lox* she isn't here right now though and you already know Johnson, Gilinsky, and Shawn." Matt introduced his friends. I felt uncomfortable with them all looking at me I just waved and said "Johnson help me make accounts for social media" pulling him off the couch "woah okay I guess" Johnson said then chuckled. I finished making my social media accounts and decided to post an Instagram picture "what do you think about this picture? Should I post it?"

 I finished making my social media accounts and decided to post an Instagram picture "what do you think about this picture? Should I post it?"

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"Where'd you get that picture?" J asked "I sighed into my iCloud and I got my pictures back... so should I post it?" I shrugged "Yea post it. I'm going back outside to tell the guys to follow you" he said and I nodded not really paying attention to him. I posted the picture with the caption 'first post 👀'. I turn off my phone and walk out to the kitchen to get something to eat when Taylor stops me "you're going to eat again? We just ate. Oh wait you didn't finish because you were being dramatic" I just rolled my eyes and scoffed trying to ignore Taylor "you're going to get fatter if you keep eating" he said. I close the fridge and walk to the living room feeling insecure about my weight. I sat down and kept thinking things that put me down with lead me to zone out. "Lex?" Shawn said shaking me "huh? Oh Shawn what's up" I fake a smile "you zoned out, we kept calling you and you didn't answer,it was scaring us" he said pointing at everyone else. I look around the room "sorry" I said while taking out my phone to a lot of notifications from Instagram, twitter, and snapchat.
Matt said we were going out so I changed

(Ootd ^)"Lexie you ready?" Matt knocked on my door "yea let's go" I said walking out

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(Ootd ^)
"Lexie you ready?" Matt knocked on my door "yea let's go" I said walking out. "We're going out to eat where should we eat?" Cameron asked. I shrugged and started thinking about what Taylor told me 'you'll get fatter if you keep eating' tears brimmed my eyes. I felt someone looking at me, so I look up to see Aaron looking at me with a concerned look. I just fake a smile and he turns around. The guys decided on eating at Panera. They all ordered there foods which looked delicious and I just sat there staring at a bowl filled with leafs. yup you guessed it I got a salad. None of the guys seemed to notice my strange behavior except Taylor he looked at me and smirked knowing I couldn't get what he said out of my head. I guess mahogany noticed something because I saw her kick Taylor under the table. I finished eating my salad, I felt sick "Um I'll be back" i said and went to the bathroom. I heard mahogany come in "hey lex are- oh gosh what happened" she said holding my hair back as I puked. Once I was able to speak I told mahogany everything Taylor told me and she looked mad. She stormed out of the bathroom as I ran after her "mahogany don't make a Scene here please, it's not a big deal" I looked at her with sad eyes "Lexie not a big deal?" I interrupted telling her to lower her voice "Lexie you have to tell matt. Taylor shouldn't have said that. You are beautiful in every way. You don't deserve this. Taylor is just saying these thing because he knows he can get in your head. Don't listen to him. But you tell matt as soon as we get home" lox said. I nod as we walk back to the table "matt we have to go home Lexie isn't feeling well" lox said "okay, come on guys we're going home" they all got up and walked out I walked behind them all. None of them seemed to notice. I was scrolling through my phone, not really doing anything but making it look less depressing by walking alone behind everyone you live with, when I bumped into someone "oh sorry...." I dragged on "oh. Mikey, Mikey barone" the handsome stranger said "Im sorry Mikey" I look down "it's fine, your name?" Mikey moved my face so we were looking at each other "Lexie, Lexie Espinosa. Lex for short" I smile "beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Mikey said as I blushed "maybe I can get your number? You know so we can hang out" Mikey said nervously I nod and give him my number. "I'll text-" he was cut off by matt "Lexie what the heck come on we're going home!" "I see you have to go. It was great meeting you lex I'll text you later then maybe FaceTime?" He said kissing my cheek "bye Mikey. Actually can you text me tomorrow I'm not feeling so great right now I'm probably going to get home and sleep" I said and Mikey chuckled "yea no problem" he said and walked away. I ran back to the group.
*we go home*
"I'm tired goodnight" I said and went to my room and fell asleep.

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