Chapter 13

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Saeren POV:

It's the time. Time for my medication.

I run down the halls as fast as I can. You don't want to keep Savior waiting.

Posters fly past me as I make my way down the halls. The scene from before replays itself over and over again in my head. The medication.

I can deeply relate to Y/N on the anger she feels with the medicine. But I did see something that sparked my interest.

Y/N had a bandage covering her right shoulder. What happened to her. The first time I saw her, she never had that bandage but now she does.

It was only a day in between before I captured her so her arm can't be seriously damaged or anything. So what lies underneath of it?

I keep running until I reach the Savior's door. I knock slowly and she says, "Come in."

I walk in and stand before her throne. She seemed so amazing before, but I am starting to question my loyalty I had before.

"Hello, Saeren. I see it is time for your medication." She says, smiling.

"Yes, Ma'am." I say. I bow my head a bit and she giggles.

"Come one." She says. She takes my hand and tugs me along. I don't resist and walk along with her.

We enter a room. It's my room. Not my bedroom but my room. Where only I can take my medication.

Usually when a different member takes their medication, they just get pissy and bitchy but I act out on a whole new level.

Let's just say, I attempt to kill whatever I see for the first hour of the medication being in effect. After a bit I calm down and just act like a bastard.

The deathly attitude at first is because of my unstable mind. Since I was beaten as a child, I am super mentally unstable and tend to act out on the slightest hesitation in someone's voice.

It's rare for someone to try and kill another person because of this medicine. So why is Y/N acting like me as well?

The walls of the room are bloodstained from the two previous guards I have killed. It was because they didn't secure the locks on my wrists correctly and I broke free.

Mint Eye has bought huge chains and hand cuffs to chain me down so I can't get free anymore. The cuffs wrap around my wrists and the chains are connected to the cuffs. They are part way underground so I am trapped to a secluded area.

Savior puts the cuffs on my wrists and tightens them. She puts a piece of cloth in my mouth and ties it around me head. This is to make sure I don't bite her or anything. If I put one dent in her, she would have me eliminated.

She goes to the shoulder with my tattoo and stabs a syringe into my skin. I am immediately met with a slight buzzing noise and a small voice saying kill.

I snarl and try to fight the chains holding me back but I can't do anything. Savior smiles wickedly at me and walks out of the room, leaving me alone.

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