Chapter 9

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Your POV:

Everything feels so still. I have no window in this cell so I can't tell if it is day or night. It must have been only a few hours since I have came here, right?

About an hour after I downed those pills Saeren gave me, I started to fell emotionless. Like nothing was hurting me. I was numb.

My ex boyfriend cheating on me doesn't hurt anymore, being kidnapped doesn't hurt anymore, even my goddamn tattoo doesn't hurt. Are these pills meant to make me feel this way? If so, I will definitely have to get more. I can't stand the constant pain I feel all the time.

My parents live on the other side of the country, as well as the rest of my family. I'm an only child so I have no siblings. I never had any friends growing up. It was always just me and Alex. Alex knew I was getting down, so he got me a dog named Carlisle.

I definitely became more happy after that. But something in Alex changed, he wasn't the caring boyfriend he used to be. He became someone who hates anyone and anything. He got drunk every night, he was rarely sober. It hurt.

It was then only me and Carlisle.

As a child, I grew fascinated with the sky. How it could change with all those beautiful colors, the sun rising and setting and beaming down, and the clouds, puffy and white. It was just too perfect.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard another slam. I looked behind me and was met with Saeren once again. This time, he didn't seem so emotionless. He seemed to be more.............hurt.

I searched his eyes and I only found hurt, pain, and sadness. But still, his eyes were so beautiful. Their color was unique and brilliant and it made him look so different from everyone else.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked me. I shook my head a bit and look at him, "Sorry.......I just zoned out."

"Hehe, yeah. I tend to do that a lot." He says. He is not as cold as he was before. He is more relaxed. Saeren seems to be more humane now.

"Anyways, I just wanted to say that I brought you a toothbrush and some toothpaste." He said to me. Saeren handed me a (fav color) tooth brush and a bottle of toothpaste.

"Thank you, Saeren." I smile at him. He flinched when he hears me say his name. He puts his head down and he seems depressed. He avoids my gaze.

"Saeren." I say to eat his attention.

"Yeah?" He replies. His head still down, he mumbles it. I pick up on it.

"What's wrong?" I ask him. I have no idea why I feel so concerned about him right now. He fucking kidnapped me! Shouldn't I be afraid and stuff?

All these thoughts were quieted by the pills. These things really make you relaxed.

"Nothing. I just, Savior is always so disappointed in me." He says.

"Savior?" I ask him. Who is this Savior?

"Oh. Never mind. Anyway, I have to get going. Uh, goodnight." He says.

It's night. I don't know what time but it is definitely night.

I watch as he gets up and walks out of the cell door, locking it behind me. He walks away.

I hear a door shut at the end of the hallway. I walk to the sink and brush my teeth, feeling the minty taste inside of my mouth. (Haha see what I did there? Lol)

I realize, I haven't searched my room. Maybe I should do that before I sleep.

I look around and see nothing in particular. I look under the bed and see my hoodie. I grab it and dump it out. Thankfully it has all the stuff in it from before.

I try and turn on my phone but it's dead. Great.

I see what I have and realize that there is not much that I have. I go to the secret pocket of my hoodie and pull out something.

My dogs old collar when he was a pup.

It's a black collar with a (fav color) bone in the middle. It reads:


I try it on and see that it indeed fits me. This will help me be close to my dog. My companion. My best friend.

I look on the small table and see a few small pieces of chalk. How cliche.

I pick one piece up and go to the concrete wall. I write: Sky

This will help my remember that I have the sky. The collar will help me remember Carlisle. And the pills will help me to be numb.

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