Chapter 5

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Your POV:

I feel so bad for what happened to that man. My dog just trampled over him. I know my dog gets excited and likes people, but I didn't think he would trample someone like that. Oh well, what's done is done.

That man seemed mad when I was talking to him. But I wouldn't blame him, I mean he just got tackled by a dog, ya know?

But one thing really caught my eye. It was his tattoo on his shoulder. I looked cool, maybe I could get one kind of like it? That would be awesome!

I have always wanted a tattoo, I just never knew which one to get. But this one was perfect. Also, how about I just have a bit of a me day. Where I treat myself, because my boyfriend is never going to do it.

I've learned that if I want something, I have to get it myself. I can't depend on others for what I want or need.

Carlisle and I arrive at home and we go inside. When I get in, I am greeted with the same fowl stench of beer. I walk over to the coat rack and hang my hoodie up. It can get super hot in this house.

I walk to the living room and see that Alex isn't in here, just a few empty bottles of beer. I walk back into the kitchen, looking everywhere for him.

Closet, nope. Under table, nope. In pink sweater, nope. I walk over to the entry way and look outside before I realize something.

I don't own anything pink.

I run back over to the table and pick up the pink sweater. "How did this get here?" I mumble to myself.

Then, my brain clicks. The one place I haven't checked is the bedroom. I slowly walk down the hallway to the bedroom. I can hear some giggling and press my ear up to the door, listening.

"Ah!" Someone moans. Oh my god, no no no. "Ah!" I hear again. Clearly a girl.

I kick the door open, enraged. What I see on the bed is something I want to never see again.

My boyfriend doing a pink, slutty ass bitch. Her blonde hair was put into a pony tail and she was lying naked on me bed, being fucked by none other than my dumbass boyfriend.

Tears well in my eyes. Yes! My boyfriend was annoying sometimes, but regardless, I still loved him.

"You shitbag!! How could you?!" I yelled at him. "I thought you loved me."

"Y/N, you do nothing for me. All you do is complain and complain. It gets annoying!!" He yells back.

"No, Alex. It's you who complains all the goddamn time!!!! You always get drunk and complain!!! I, on the other hand, have to deal with your shit!!" I yell at him.

Alex starts to speak but I shut him up with a hard slap to the face. "That's what you get for being a jackass!!"

I look at the girl and she smiles at me, a bitchy smile. Tears start rolling down my cheeks and I run out of the room. I open the front door and run our crying, having no real destination.

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