Chapter 12

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Your POV:

The buzzing stopped a while after Saeren left. I am so glad it's over. But I'm weak and tired.

Not sleepy but mentally. Mentally exhausted. It's like those pills drained all the life force out of me.

Tears roll down my cheeks. My hair is a mess from constantly running my hands through it.

I am currently sitting on the ground, tears on my cheeks, red puffy eyes, messy hair, and dirty clothing from the dirty floor.

I swear the ground is so filled with dirt and dust. But I don't mind, as long as I am alive.

But that thought is destroyed and replaced by another one. Why am I even alive?? Especially if this is my life. I mean, I don't want to stay u happy can't.

I can't just end it like that. Even if I have to live with Saeren. He's a liar.

I hear the cell door open and close. I don't even look at the door. I already know who it is.

"Get up." The voice orders. I hesitate but get up slowly.

I turn around and see someone I haven't seen before. It's not Saeren, it's a different guy. He is larger and he is soooooo tall. Like I swear he puts a giraffe at rest.

The man picks up my arm before taking out a syringe. "W-What is that?" I start panicking. I can't stand needles.

He doesn't speak. I search his eyes and find nothing. No emotion, it's just those same dead eyes that everyone else here has.

He stabs the syringe into my arm and I am immediately felt with the feeling from last night. My eyes darken with rage and I bet you can probably see fire dancing in my soul.

The adrenaline rush starts and the same buzzing starts. I'm met with a small voice in the back of my head. Kill it demands.

I growl and I am about to pounce onto the man before he tazes me. He tazes me.

I fall backwards and hit my head on the concrete floor. I am suddenly felt with a feeling of slight fatigue but it's not enough to make me fall.

I jump up and the man doesn't expect this. I grab his wrist and bend it around, holding him in a position where I could break his wrist at any second.

I am about to push in when a familiar voice yells, "Stop!" This doesn't affect me though.

Two strong arms grab me from behind and hold me back from the bigger dude. He may seem big, but damn is he weak.

The arms tighten their grip and I try to fight them, but they don't budge. I claw, scratch, bite but they still stay.

"Y/N." His voice demands.

"What?" I snarl at him. He spins me around to face him. Just seeing him makes me want to break him.

"Stop." He says. But it's not demanding this time, it's gentle. I stand still and look him dead in the eye.

"I know it hurts but don't forget that this isn't you." I am confused.

"Saeren!!" A voice screeches. It's a feminine voice.

Saeren flinched and says, "it's okay. Just.........I'll be back tonight."

He runs out of the gate and I am left in silence.

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