Chapter 14

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Your POV:

It was silent for a while.

After he left, no one even walked by my cell. Not one person.

What's going on?

That voice...

I run my shoulder a bit from the stress and wince. I look over and see the bandage. Shit, I forgot to put the cream on it.

Dammit it stings. I slowly take off the bandage and close my eyes, afraid to see what lies beneath it. I open them again, once it is completely off, and I am in love with what I see.

It's an exact replica of Saeren's tattoo. Like, an exact replica. There is no extra line or scribble added, it's perfect,

It wasn't red or puffy or anything. I'm guessing that the cream was just a pain reliever or something because this tattoo hurt like hell.

I remember I have been wearing these clothes for two whole fucking days. I haven't even taken a shower. Man, I must reek, especially with all of this extra dust and dirt on the ground.

I have been sitting on my bed, staring at the walls for over an hour. I have been silently humming to myself.

Am I becoming crazy?

No no......I couldn't be.......

I grab one of the pieces of chalk and write another word on the wall.


It's making me become a lunatic. Like I am worried about my mental health. I can't ever seem to find the happiness I need. I am always stuck with anger, depression, loneliness........and heartbreak....

I sit still, still quietly humming to myself before I decide to put my sweater on. It gets super cold in this cell.

The gate opens and closes revealing a pissed Saeren. Geeze, what happened to him?

He walks over to me and grabs my arm roughly. "Come on." He orders.

"Go away." I spat at him. That medicine can make you feel really bitchy sometimes.

He rolled his eyes and dragged me out of my cell and into a bathroom. "Clean yourself, you smell like shit." He stated.

"Shut up, you bastard." I snarled at him. He smirked at me and said, "Everything you need is in here, come out when you are done."

He shuts the door and locks it. What kind of fricken door has a lock on the outside?!

I grunt and walk to the mirror. On the other side lies the reflection of a broken girl. All dirty and hurt.

I start the shower and get in. The warm water makes up for the cold of my cell.

I jump out and dry off. I get the cream out of my sweater pocket and apply it to my new tattoo. This should help so that it doesn't hurt as bad anymore.

I am about to get dressed into new clothes before I realize. Did he give me clothes? I search the room and find nothing. I guess I will have to just stick with my old ones.

A loud knock comes from the door and I yell, "What?" I hate being bothered when I am showering and stuff. It's not just the medicine hehe.

Saeren's voice comes from the outside.

"Your new clothes are on the hangers in the closet!" He yells.

I look around and sure enough there is a closet. "Go away!" I yell, kind of pissed that I couldn't find the clothes myself.

"Shut up, brat." He shoots back at me. He walks away, and I can tell because of the footsteps on the other side.

I go to the closet and pull out some clothes. There is a blood red tank top, a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and combat boots. It looks freakin amazing.

Alex would never let me wear all these clothes. He always tried and made me wear baby blue blouses and crap.

I put on the clothes, and it goes super well with my new (fav color) hair. I do the same thing Saeren does and slip one shoulder out of my jacket. The jacket with the tattoo to be exact.

I take a deep breath and part my hair in a fringe to give me a more creepier look. It suits the outfit.

I take one last look in the mirror and knock on the door. I hear a click and know that it has been unlocked.

I take a deep breath again and open the door, walking out. Saeren is sitting in a chair, working on like 5 fucking huge monitors AT THE SAME TIME!!!

"Done." I mumble. Saeren doesn't look away from his computer, but still responds with, "Just a second princess."

Princess? Uh no.

Saeren finishes his work and turns around in his chair. He looks at me once and his eyes widen and his jaw drops open.

"Do I look that bad?" I ask him.

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