Liam and Kim both laughed at me, while Zayn sat there with rosy cheeks and I just stared at them in confusion.

"Uhum, you said that out loud Toto," Kim said after noticing my confusion.

Now it was my turn to blush,"Crap, what I meant to say was thank you Zayn. You don't look to bad yourself."

"Thank you love."

After being here for about 10 minutes I wanted the ground to open up to swallow me.

In those 10 minutes I had managed to make a fool out of myself in front of Zayn.

I accidentally tripped the waiter, causing him to fall face first on the ground, then because of my clumsy self I spilt water all over Zayn, and me being me I offered to help him and he agreed and I ended up tripping because of my ridiculous high heels landing right on his lap, making things awkward. Then when things finally settled down he may or may not have seen my unicorn undies (don't judge).

Needless to say, this date was a disaster and it was all my fault. I wouldn't be surprised if this fine stranger ran out of here.

"Zayn, I'm sorry about tonight. I ruined things. It's just that I'm so nervous and I find you so attractive and I can't be normal around you and if you want to leave then it's okay"

"Love, you don't have to be nervous around me, just be yourself. And I don't know about you but this place is too proper for my liking. Let's go grab a happy meal. You down for that?"

And that's exactly what we did. And let me tell you this time it wasn't such a disaster.

Oh and if you're wondering what happened to Liam and Kimmy, they decided to give Zayn and I some alone time and ditched us. Which is code name for them going to fuck.

An hour later, I found myself sad that our night was coming to an end. It wasn't till he walked me up to my flat it finally sunk in.

"I had fun tonight."

"I think you had fun watching me completely embarrass myself."

"You're correct love. I think the highlight of my night has to be when you accidentally spilt ice cold water all over me," he smirked.

"Oh my word I'm sorry about that Zaynie. Remind me that I owe you a new T-shirt."

"Relax love it's water under the bridge but if you really want to make it up to me then you have to go out with me again. How 'bout that? "

"Sounds like a plan. Text me then? "

"Sure hand me your phone."

As we exchanged numbers, guilt began seeping in. I was cheating on Alejandro and playing Zayn. He didn't even know I had a daughter and he didn't even notice my real identity. But if he put two and two together he would find out I'm thee October Waters who became a teen mother and is in a long term relationship with multiplatinum Singer Alejandro Foxelas.

"Would you like to come in? "


I opened the door for us and a short pair of tiny legs came running towards us.


"Hey baby girl" I picked her up.

"Mommy who's dis?"

That's when I remembered Zayn's presence.

"Oh silly me. Zayn, meet the love of my life, my daughter Aliyah. And Liyah, this is Zayn"

Liyah climbed off of me to go hug Zayn.

"Hello, why do you have so many colourings on your hand?"

"Liyah don't be rude."

"Sorry momma. Sorry Zayn"

"You're very beautiful Liyah, just like your mum. And these are tattoos and I love them which is why I have them. "

"Then that means I'm very beautiful if I'm just like mum! And you talk funny"

Zayn chuckled, "It's an accent love"

"Liyah it's way past your bed time. Why are you still up young lady?" I asked sternly.

"I couldn't sleep and grandma fell asleep so I didn't want to wake her cause there are monsters under my bed "

"Baby go upstairs, mommy's coming now now to read you a bed time story."

She ran as fast as her little legs could carry her up the stairs, her two pigtails wiggling.

"I admire you, you have a very beautiful daughter October"

"Thank you Zayn"

"I gotta go home, I'll text you yeah? "

"Of course uhum, let me walk you out. "

"Hey October, I don't think Alejandro would appreciate me talking to you."

"Oh so you knew"

"Since the moment you walked in with Kim"

"Well if you know who I am then you should know Alejandro and I broke up months ago. The only reason he's around is because of publicity for my upcoming runway show. I haven't seen him in months and my feelings for him are completely gone"

"Oh then in that case I feel less shittier about doing this."

Before I could question him, I felt a pair of plump lips on my own.


Fireworks exploded in my tummy and my skin was heating up due to his hands moving up and down on my bare skin.



"What about Gigi?"

"Publicity stunt."


"Good night October. Kiss Aliyah goodnight for me too."

With that he walked away leaving me speechless. After what felt like forever, I closed the door and headed to Liyah's room.

"Mommy I like Zayn"

"I know baby, I like him too."

I then put my princess to sleep and went to bed, thinking about a raven haired man, that goes by the name Zayn Jawaad Malik.

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-Dee 🌈✨

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