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Okay so this one isn't really a comeback, but at my school there are loads of evil goblins and my friend is constantly being harassed by them. This chapter is a bit of advice on how to deal with like Viscous, barbarian school kids.

They may laugh at you in groups across the room on the way you eat or how much your eating the way you dress, your physique, and believe me thats a horrid feeling I know.
So sometimes you just need to look and them and smile. Now i know this is impossible to look at a bunch of human embodiments of Satan and SMILE, so just look at them and imagine hitting then in the head with a brick.
I've tried this and they look at you weird and tease you but you really should give two fudge sundaes because you are a BAWSE and you should just remind yourself that you are gonna grow up to write an amazing novel or become the world fastest pizza eater or become a laywer or and spy or an actress or dancer or an olimpian gold medalist or just chill and feel and travel and fall in love or bring water to Africa or assassinate Donald Trump (jk) and they are going to be a lonely old man/woman who works at McDonalds or be a gas station attendent, but for now all they can do is point out your zits. So just let them.

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