My Hero, Justin Bieber, Saved Me Chapter 27

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I’m a terrible author. I know. I’m so sorry I didn’t upload! I’ve been ill with a bad cough/cold sort of thing and I’ve had so much school work to finish. I’m so sorry.

I know you are all dying to find out why Chaz didn’t rat Caitlin out so I’m trying to be brief..

Oh yeah! Thank you for all the support this story this story has received! You are all amazing!

I also have a new story idea, The Guard To My Heart, check it out please and let me know if it sounds good! Thanks guys! :)

I also changed the cover (again!), it’s kind of an obsession of mine :L Let me know if you like it!

So, yeah, enjoy!

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Chapter 27

“Why did you do that?!”

“We almost had her!”

“We thought you hated her!”

“What goes on in that empty shell that you call a head?!”

Chaz sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. A week has passed and me and Ryan had been planning on how to corner Chaz. Justin was taking Caitlin and Christian for a tour around an arena he was performing in so Ryan and I seized the opportunity privacy. We had only planned on getting the bus to ourselves as I had promised Justin to forget THAT night, as it was previously referred to, so here we were firing questions at Chaz and expressing our pent up anger.

I sighed and sat down pulling on Ryan’s hand so he would follow suit. He sat down and leant back so the spring sun shone on his face. I briefly thought that he looked overly stressed with this situation when he didn’t need to be but I let that thought dwindle away as I turned my attention back to Chaz.

“I thought you hated her-” I started.

“I do!”

“So why the fuck did you deny hearing Caitlin admit spiking Sophie’s drink?!” Ryan stood up and towered over Chaz.

“Just let me explain!” Chaz also stood up with his hands outstretched in front of him as if to say ‘Please don’t hurt me!’

Ryan looked at me as I tried to tug on his arm to get him to sit down again. His face radiated anger and irritation but he sat down any way.

“Explain away,” I sighed. I looked straight at Chaz with what I hoped was my most serious/scary look that I could muster and waited for him to start.

My Hero, Justin Bieber, Saved Me (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now