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This is just a teaser for my new story. I'm putting more effort into this one so it's better. In fact, a few of the chapters are out now. I recommend you check them out. Feedback is appreciated. Enjoy.

Chapter 1

Lucy's P.O.V

Keep running.

My legs were growing tiered, and my breathing was falling short.

Don't stop running.

The Sector was gaining on my tail.

You can make it.

I had to get to the iron circle, I had to make it out alive.

Don't slow down.

I felt super aware of everything. The freezing wind colliding with my face, my lungs begging for air, my legs stiffening and aching, my boots colliding with the ground, making a THUD each time, the Sector's cold presence creeping up to me.

You're almost there.

I lied to myself, hoping I could push myself further.

You can make it.

Maybe I wasn't lying to myself. Maybe if I fooled myself enough I could make it.

So close.

I could see a green glow in the distance, which I guessed was the skull. Never in my life had I expected to be so happy to see that horrid decapitated skull in a jar. I signed in relief.

But I was wrong.

It wasn't the skull. It was a shining boy.

And whit the Sector already so close to me, and the shining boy running straight to me, I had to act fast. I had to get out of there.

I took a sharp turn. I noted that the ghosts followed my path exactly.

Where am I?

A graveyard. Some of the pacifist night watch kids had seen ghosts and had been to scared to do anything.

Typical. I mentally scoffed at them. They'll never lift a rapier and fight, even if it'll save their lives.

So I was dodging this way and that, avoiding headstones, crypts, and opened graves.

The two ghosts were gaining on me fast. I wasn't scared, I was slowing down.

Then I tripped on my own feet. I tried to get up, but my muscles wouldn't respond.

So I lay there, accepting defeat. This was my end.

Why am I so calm?? I asked myself.

My breath was short, and I felt a liquid start dripping out of it. I started coughing. I needed water. I started coughing up blood.

How long have I been running?

My eyes started to water. I blinked a few times.

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