Chapter 4

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Lucy's P.O.V

As we made our way over to Mrs.Roundly's home, I couldn't help but think back to the two children she had with her during the interview. On one hand; you had a sweet boy who looked like he wouldn't hurt a fly. On the other; you looked to have a shifty eyed girl who looked to have experienced trauma in her life.

Then I thought to Lockwood's friend, Chris Madison.

She's an international agent, meaning that the problem isn't just here in England, but all over the world!

But was she the only international agent there was? Surly not. That would be to much for one person to handle alone. So maybe there were more international agents, but it wasn't well known? Was there one for every country? Or were they that rare?

So many questions. George probably had more though.

No time to wonder about her now.

Mrs.Roundly's home was quite large, with a rather luxurious feel to it. Though the knowledge of the death of the late Mr.Roundly made it feel less than glorious. Even more so, that the "hazy, shadow-y thingy" made it seem almost like a scene like the horror books would make. Especially it was abandoned at the moment.

By the living at least.

We were locked in here for the night, with the knowledge of two ghosts; one was almost definitely a strong Type Two, the other could be a weak Type One.

"Now this'll be interesting." The skull commented.

"So, George," Lockwood started as soon as we were left alone, "Did you find any information that would be of use to us?"

"I am ashamed to say no. I didn't find anything. At least not in the archives." He responded.

"What?" Holly exclaimed (yes, we brought her too) "What do you mean you couldn't find anything??" 

"Nothing at all. No deaths. No murders, suicides, nothing." He shook his head.

"Knowing is half the battle... Looks like you're practically done for." The skull mentioned. And it was true. Typically, if we didn't know something ended up in us almost lousing our lives.

"Maybe you didn't look hard enough..." Holly tried to make it sound NOT like an insult, even though she knew it was.

"Of course I looked hard enough!!" George barked. "And I couldn't find anything!"

"What about around this area? Maybe there was a death around the area and the ghost just so happens to be here?" I asked calmly.

"Actually, Luce," George turned to me, "I didn't find anything within the area of this house ether! I thought the same thing and looked for deaths not only in this house, but around the area. And I found nothing!"

"Some researcher." The skull chuckled. I elbowed my backpack where it was.

"Did you find anything about the house?" Lockwood asked.

"Nope." George answered. "It seems like if you looked in the past of this house, it never existed until this crisis."

"Strange..." I commented.

"Well, there's no time to worry about that now. Lets drop our heaver loads off upstairs and get to work." Lockwood commanded.

We dropped our heavy loads off near the door in front of Mrs. Roundly's room and explored the floor, using our Talents and taking measurements. All was quiet in the house, I didn't hear anything and Lockwood didn't see anything. However, when we got near the elder woman's room, I heard something. It was a disgusting noise; it sounded like someone was squishing something. Like when you step in the mud on accident on an early morning when it rained last night. As I got closer to the door, the sound got louder. I reported my findings to the others.

"Behind us." Lockwood pointed out. "It looks to be the late Mr.Roundly I should think."

"Is he saying anything, Lucy?" Holly asked. I listened.

I turned to look at it, I couldn't see it very well, sight wasn't my strongest Talent. I took a step closer to it.

"Don't..." It started. Don't what?

"Don't... Go... In..." Was that all? Was it just a warning? "It'll... take you..." The Visitor in the room?

"It's getting closer to you, Lucy..." The skull teased. "You might want to move..."

But I couldn't move. I had to know if it would say anything else.

"Lucy!" Lockwood nudged me, snapped me out of whatever trace I was in. I looked at him. "What did it say?"

"It was a warning. It was telling us not to go in or 'It'll take you'." I informed. I looked back at it. The foggy figure seemed to have drifted away from us, leading somewhere else. We all noticed it. Carefully, we followed it to a room at the end of the hall, witch we explored. Was it leading us to its source? If it was, It would be best to seal it before we do anything else.

"Lucy..." A gentle voice called. "Lucy dear..." I turned to where it was coming from. Mrs.Roundly's bedroom. I should tell the others. I should pay it no mind. But I couldn't. I just couldn't! It knew my name. The sound of the voice was so soft and sweet, it distracted me from what was happening at the moment, where I was, who I was with. I wanted to see who (or what) was the owner of the voice. I walked across the hall, twisted the door nob, opened the door, and stepped. I could almost hear the others calling my name, trying to find where I went. But I couldn't hear them, not over the angelic voice calling my name.

And I saw what was calling me to it.

I figure, engulfed in shadow, with bright glowing eyes. The kid was wrong, by the way; this thing was taller than me. Its mouth was a cut smile from ear to ear with jagged teeth and claw-like hands. That's what I could make out.

My mind screamed at me to turn and walk away, run, move, do something! But I couldn't. It moved to me, slowly lousing its shadow property and took on a more human form. It had black hair, paper white skin, and the same features from when it was a shadow.

It walked standing right in front of me, smiling, saying my name, keeping me in place. I couldn't look away.

It placed a clawed hand on my cheek. I could almost hear someone call my name. It opened its gaping mouth, about to bite my head off. My mind was screaming for me to move, but I couldn't.

I felt someone's arm wrap around me as their rapier pierced through its mouth, letting in fall and turn to shadow.

I felt my legs turn to jelly. As I started to fall, someone caught me. My name was called several times along with many questions. I couldn't understand a thing they said, and soon my world when black.

Lockwood & Co. Weeping Womanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें