Chapter 16

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Lockwood's P.O.V

I walked into Chris's room. She lay on her side, facing away from the door. I could see her chard back.

I walked around her bed and sat down in a chair next to her.

George was taken off for a check up, and I couldn't find Kipps.

She slowly cracked open her eyes and she smiled at me.

"Hey Anthony." She croaked.

"Hey." Was all I could say.

She smiled. "So..." She started. "Think this is what I get for being so reckless and careless." She chuckled. "I did get rid of it though, didn't I?"

I didn't say a thing. I felt like I was about to cry at any moment now. I didn't want my friends to see me cry.

"Hey, Anthony." She spoke. "Wanna know something?"

I nodded.

"I'm quitting."

I felt my eyes widen. Quitting? No, Chris couldn't quit! She's to good!

"But why-"

Chris rolled on her back and hissed. She tossed her arm effortlessly over the side of the bed and pulled her backpack up onto her stomach. She dug in it for a second, then pulled out her flask and tossed it in the rubbish bin a few feet away from where she lay. Then she turned back to me.

"I wanna quit drinking." She hissed as she turned to face me. "But I know that's going to take a lot of work. Will you help me?"

"O-Of course." I whimpered. I couldn't help but feel proud of Chris.

She smiled, then weakly laughed. "Well, enough about me. How's everyone else fairing?"

"Lucy's awake and doing better." I whipped my cheeks, clean of the few tears that had escaped. "Holly, George and Kipps are doing better. And I'm sure I'll be able to recover quickly."

She nodded.

"Well." She stated. "I won't keep you much longer. Go see Lucy. She died then came back to life. That's got to be difficult to comprehend alone, hm?"

I nodded, and found a way to walk without another persons help. I glanced back at Chris when I was at the door way. She had turned her body so that she was facing the door. She waved her hand for me to see Lucy and smiled. I briskly nodded and walked to when Lucy was.

I walked threw the door frame and saw her laying on the side of her bed, trying to haul something up onto her bed. Her muscles failed and she fell limp over her bedside with and 'oomf!'

I quietly and swiftly limped over to her and lay next to her.

"What are you doing, Love?" I hummed.

She yelped. I chuckled, she was just so cute!!

We fixed our position on the bed, so we were laying normally. I lay next to her, looking into her eyes.

She has the most beautify gold-amber eyes. Her cheeks were painted a light shade of crimson. I brushed some of her hair out of her face to see her face better. Her cheeks burned a brighter shade. I could feel my own face heat up.

Lucy's P.O.V

I looked away from him.

Oh God... I thought to myself. This is so embarrassing. What do I do? Why is he just laying here next to me? Say something Lucy!!

"You know..." He started. "I do love your eyes, Lucy. They are gorgeous."

"Th-Thank you." OH MY GOD LUCY!!! I scolded myself. DID YOU SERIOUSLY JUST STUTTER?!?!?!

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