Chapter 15

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Lucy's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and smelled the sent of lavender.

Then I remembered everything that happened.

I shot up into an attentive sitting position. The demon had Lockwood at its advantage. It blocked my view of him, but from what I could tell, he was alive.

I swiftly and quietly leaped out of the bed, unintentionally holding onto the lavender that was on my chest.

It was about to bring down its clawed hand to dissect him. As soon as I was as close as I could get without being noticed, I held the lavender gently in one hand and curled my other hand into a clenched fist, and swing my leg, muscles stiff and stern as to not move on collision. As soon as I had launched the demon off to the side I knelt down to Lockwood.

"Are you alright?" My voice cracked with concern.

"I am now." He stated, then pulled my head to his and kissed me. It was quick and short, but I wasn't complaining.

I quickly ducked to the side and grabbed his discarded rapier.

"Lucy, no." He instructed as he tried to stand. He held his side in pain and that's when I saw he was bleeding. I ruched to his side and helped him stand.

Just then, I heard pounding on the stairs. The demon had gotten back up and was about to lunge to us.

If it wasn't for Chris and her lightning speed reflex timing.

"Lucy! Anthony!" Che called, "Downstairs now!!"

We followed her orders. Once down stairs, we had met up with everyone else.

"Lucy! You're okay!" Holly cheered.

"What happened to Tony?" Kipps asked.

Chris ran down the stairs. She dug deep into her backpack and pulled out a bottle of vodka.

"Fun fact;" she started. "Vodka is one of the most flammable alcoholic drink." She broke a flare cautiously and poured its continence into the bottle. "Another fun fact;" she added salt and iron shavings from her belt. "Demons are the most susceptible to fire than any other supernatural thing. It's the easiest way to get rid of them." She closed the bottle and shook it roughly. "You might want to start running."

And we did. She threw the makeshift power flare at the demon. It shattered and the house was instantly plunged into flames. I was one of the last ones out. I was about to help Chris when flaming scaffolding fell, blocking Chris from leaving.

"Get back!" She ordered, and I obeyed.

I couldn't see what she was doing. I could only guess that she was looking for a way out.

She rammed her entire body into the front door to break it open and leave. When the door did burst open, scaffolding fell on her back.

She screamed in a burning pain that would upset the dead.

With what little effort she must have had in her, she pushed the burning scaffolding off her back and ran to us.

She whipped out her rapier and, as if time slowed for just a moment or two, her blade sliced threw her heavy locks of long, burning hair.

She tripped over herself and fell to the ground.

We ran over to her. Her hair was unevenly shorter now, and there was a giant hole burned threw her back. Having her hair down tonight may have just saved her life. Her face was chard black from ash, her glasses had fallen off and she was just barely holding onto consciousness.

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