Chapter 18

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Lockwood's P.O.V

Chris pulled threw her cloths, searching for comfortable cloths to wear tomorrow.

"You have to go?" I pouted.

"Because I have to work." She explained as she stuffed a plain white shirt into her backpack, along with a few salt bombs.

"It's in Japan right? Can you speak the language?" I asked.

"I can. They wouldn't send me there otherwise." She informed.

"You said a friend needed help." I mentioned.

"Yeah, I normally get calls from supervisors though." She muttered.

"Who's you're friend?" I asked.

"Her name is Miki Yuri. She's the Japanese international agent. She's a new one though, so someone has to train her. As a result I go to Japan a lot more than other countries." She shoved her chains in her backpack, then closed it.

"If she's training under you, why aren't you always there?" I quizzed.

"If you're training as an international agent, you have to shoe that you're nor dependent on someone always telling you what to do. You're not always working with someone else, and you have to know what to do. So trainers will often meet up with their trainees once every two or three months to check up. However, the trainee can call the trainer anytime. In case they need help." This information was confusing me.

"And Miki needs help?" I clarified.

"That's why I leaving." She smiled at me. "I'll come back though, if that's what you're worried about. The supervisor likes having me here."

"He like your work or you?" I joked.

She threw her head back and gave a loud laugh. "Please, since when does Barnes like anyone's personalities?"

I laughed with her this time. I forgot that she had such a noticeable laugh.

George soon found Chris and interrogated her on her experience as an international agent.

I soon left after George's cryptic questions.

I walked up the stairs to Lucy's room.

I quietly opened her door. She was sitting on her bed, her sketch book in her lap. She calmly hummed as her pencil drew whatever she commanded it to.

I softly knocked on her door.

Her amber eyes looked up as she set down her pencil.

"Hey love." I spoke.

"Hi." She smiled at me.

I closed her door softly and strolled over next to her.

"What are you drawing?" I asked.

"It's just a sketch." Lucy responded.

I looked at her sketch.

It was fantastic!

It was a picture of the company. Me, George, and Holly. But where was Lucy? Even the damn skull was in the picture.

"Are you done?" I asked.

"Just about." She answered.

"What do you have left to do?" I questioned.

"Details." She answered.

"Where are you?" I asked.

She stopped. "Um..."

"Why wouldn't you add yourself? You are a part of the company." I told her.

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