Chapter 13

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George's P.O.V

That night, we split up accordingly; Kipps was pared with Chris, I was pared with Lockwood, and Holly was alone.

No one liked the idea of Holly being alone. It's not a good idea to split up in a physically charged area. It's even worse if you are by yourself. So we had Holly on the first floor, where it was believed to be the least physically charged. Chris and Kips were on the ground floor, keeping connection between all three of us and securing the area. Lockwood and I were in the basement. I had told him of most of the conversation Chris and I had to keep him informed with this ghost.

"That... Is incredibly confusing." He stated after I finished.

"That's what she said." I replied.

"So..." He muttered to himself, "Lucy's half dead..."

I heard the door open and someone start to walk downstairs.

"That doesn't make sense." He muttered.

"Everything going fine boys?" Chris approached us.

"So far." I answered.

"Do you know the time?" Lockwood asked. "I seemed to have misplaced my watch."

Chris dug into one of her outside coat pockets and pulled out a pocket watch. "11: 48" She read.

"How's Holly fairing?" He asked.

"She's fine. She said the temperature dropped a little where she is, but not at an alarming rate. It's getting colder where we are too. Though the change isn't enough to provoke action." Chris responded. "How about you?"

"Temperature change, by at least 7°." I informed.

"That's a lot." Chris commented. "Seen anything?"

"So far, no." Lockwood answered.

"Chris!" Kipps called down. "We may have a problem."

We followed her up the stairs and into the entrance room. It was a large room with doors on the left and right of us which lead to other rooms. Next to where we stood was the stairs to the upper level.

Holly stood at the foot of the steps, a worried look on her face.

"Holly? What's wrong?" Lockwood questioned.

She motioned for us to follow her, and we did.

"Holly?" Chris seemed skeptical.

"Shh." Holly whispered. "It'll hear you. Please, just follow me."

Chris reluctantly followed, lagging behind us out of suspicion. I walked slower until I was next to her.

"I've got a bad, bad feeling overwhelming me..." She whispered.

"I feel it to..." I whispered back.

Holly stood in front of one particularly dark room and peeked around the door frame.

"What is that?" Lockwood whisper asked.

It was black, and it looked to be smoking, like the creeping shadow from not to long ago. It took the shape of a woman.

"More importantly," Lockwood stated, "Who is that?"

"This was were you set up your main base of operation, right Holly?" Kipps nudged.

"Yup. Where we put Lucy until we could wake her up." She shivered. "I don't like the this. Nope."

Holly's P.O.V

Lockwood & Co. Weeping WomanWhere stories live. Discover now